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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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If you are a business owner, or even the CIO or CISO of a large Fortune 500 company, there are very good chances that you are getting away from the expense and the burden of maintaining an On Premises (On-Prem) Solution to... more

In today's podcast, we continue with the theme of using the Cloud to fortify the lines of defenses at your business or corporation. Remember, the Cloud consists of many layers, with the three key ones being: *The Infrastructure as a... more

In Corporate American today, many businesses are moving away from what are known as On-Premises Solutions and into Cloud solutions. Some of the reasons for this include the high costs of having to maintain the hardware (such as... more

Scott N. Schober is the President and CEO of Berkeley Varitronics Systems (BVS), a 45 year-old New Jersey-based privately held company and leading provider of advanced, world-class wireless test and security solutions. Scott has... more

To the Cyber Attacker of today, anything and everything out there is a prime target. This includes objects in both the virtual and the physical world. In terms of the former, some of the most prized possessions are that of... more

In the world of Cyber security today, it is literally a cat and mouse game. The hacker is the cat, and the victim is the mouse. It seems like that hardly one Cyber-attack is launched, a new one comes out literally minutes later, which is... more

As we know today, the Cyber Security threat landscape is changing on a daily basis. Hardly one threat comes out, a new one then emerges which is even deadlier, more sophisticated, and worst yet, even more covert. No business is... more

Hello, and welcome to our podcast. As we know, the Cyber Security threat landscape is an ever changing one, and constantly grows deadlier on a daily basis. The Cyber attacker has many ways in order to penetrate the IT... more

To kick things off for this podcast, we are interviewing Mark Godard, Manager of Channel & Customer Success for a Cyber Security company known as Spark Cognition, based out of Austin, TX. In the world of business today, we all know... more

Hello, and welcome to our second podcast in over two years! To kick things off, we are interviewing Dvir Reznik, the Senior Marketing Manager of TowerSec. Do you remember that old song by Gary Numan called ?Cars?? Part of his... more

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