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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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We have interviewed C-Level Executives from some of the biggest Biometric companies. But in today's radio show, we will be talking with Mr. Manish Dalal, the General Manager of ZKTeco, one of the leading fingerprint recognition... more

In the past, we have interviewed C-Level Executives from various organizations and businesses whom have developed cutting edge voice recognition solutions, for sorts of market applications. One of them of course, is being security for... more

In today's world, business owners want complete protection and security offered to their physical premises, both inside and outside. In the past, business owners would be required to purchase and deploy security technologies in "piecmeal".... more

So far, all of our podcasts have dealt with interviewing CEO's of some the leading Biometric companies worldwide. With these vendors, they offer products and solutions primarily designed for the private sector, as well as the governments.... more

Fingerprint Cards AB, is a Biometrics Company located in Sweden. Fingerprint Cards is a designer of Fingeprint Sensors, Modules, and Software Development Kits. In this interview, we find out more specifically about the types of sensors... more

In today's radio episode, we fly back to the European Continent, and interview a leading Facial Recognition company known as "Herta Security", based out of Barcelona. Herta offers a broad product line, with many features and benefits for... more

In this radio show, we continue to probe deeper into the use of Biometrics on the African continent. This time, we go to the bottom of the land, into South Africa. The company we are looking at here is known as iPulse Systems, based out... more

In today's radio show, we have the privilige and honor to be interviewing one of the top executives of one of the largest IT and Security businesses in the world - Mr. Raffie Beroukhim, Vice President of the Biometrics division of NEC... more

We all know that in the world of Biometrics, it is primarily Fingerprint Recognition which is the predominant technology being used today to confirm the identity of a particular individual. There have been many advancements made out in this... more

The Fingerprint has become the de facto standard not only for law enforcement, but for the world of Biometrics as well. Apart from Hand Geometry Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition has been around the second longest. There are many... more

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