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Remnant Call

Remnant Call


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Calling God's remnant to a deeper walk with Jesus. Time is short and God's people need to prepare for the days ahead. The Remnant Call seeks to strengthen the body of believers/

On-Demand Episodes

Join for an exciting show as we talk about the Scroll of Destiny and the Book of Creation that many didn't even realize was talked about in the Bible. Folks these are the last Days and this message is so important!!!

Join us as Brad Huddleston who is an amazing believer, but also an expert in what technology does to our lives. Brad has an on-going collaboration with the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) and its Neuroscience Division at the... more

Why do the sons of Zadok matter in the last days? Where are they now? What made Zadok so different than other high priests in the bible. Join in the end times message.

If you have ever wandered what this mark is and what it means for us today don't miss this episode. Ever wondered where Cain's wife came from? All this and more!!!

Join us as the Johnson family talks about their call to Panama, their Joseph ministry to prepare for the end times, and how the Lord worked a miracle after telling them to shut down their Go Fund Me page. God is so faithful!!!

This is one of those episodes everyone needs to hear on prayer. There is so much power available for the children of God if we would just believe and take hold of it. Join us as brother Benjamin gets into this timely message. ?The... more

We see the end coming. We see the financial collapse. We see marriages falling apart. We see the Luke warmness in our own lives. We see our loved ones dying and going to Hell, and we still just can't do anything about it. This is a... more

This is a serious episode about the corruption in the Church, internet, and government. This is a warning message for the remnant.

Finally the show dedicated to fasting the way the Lord ordained it. If you want to go DEEP in your walk with the LORD do not miss this episode. Physical... more

This is one message you need to hear!!!

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