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Remnant Call

Remnant Call


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Calling God's remnant to a deeper walk with Jesus. Time is short and God's people need to prepare for the days ahead. The Remnant Call seeks to strengthen the body of believers/

On-Demand Episodes

What does the Bible really say about what we are to do in this last hours? Do we cower in fear? Do we run and hide? No, we fight! Not the way the world fights, but the way God wants us to fight. This program is a no holds bar episode on the... more

The warnings are being shouted from the rooftops. Chaos is all around. It is time to get into your prayer closets. The world is changing for the worst are you changing for the better? You can only server one master. It's time to choose!

All I got to say is you need to hear this message!!!

Times are changing so fast yet this Vision by brother David Wilkerson back in the 70's is being fulfilled right before our eyes. Join us as brother Benjamin looks in the The Vision of David Wilkerson

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Wake up!!! It's time to come out now! Jesus is coming for a Bride... more

Where is God? Is this pandemic a part of His plan? These are serious times and brother David Murry is joining in to share insights into this hour.

Join us for Part II. This is war and God's people are the target. Brother Benjamin digs deep into the times and the spiritual weapons the Lord has given us to fight with.

Join me as we look at the Coming attack on America, Prophecy, and the radical faith to survive!

This is war and God's people are the target. Join as Brother Benjamin digs deep into the times and the spiritual weapons the Lord has given us to fight with.

Join us as Brother Benjamin connects his revelation on the 70 years of Babylon and how it is all being fulfilled right now. This is a connect the dots program!!!

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