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Remnant Call

Remnant Call


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Calling God's remnant to a deeper walk with Jesus. Time is short and God's people need to prepare for the days ahead. The Remnant Call seeks to strengthen the body of believers/

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Folks This is such an important show with a revisit back to a show from the end of 2017. This program is more relevant even now! There is a Second Exodus coming! It's it the Word of God!

Folks God had a plan put into place for this moment! Join me for a message that I pray touches the very deepest parts of your heart!

Join us as Brother Benjamin brings us up to date with what is going on in the world!

Join me tonight as we get into the seriousness of the hour with Jamie Walden. You're not going to want to miss this episode.

A storm is coming, but God is in control. Buckle up as Brother Benjamin shares a message for this hour!!!

Join us for this time sensitive program with an extra special guest tonight!!! My earthly father Brother Frank Sr joins in on practical preparation in the midst of this ungodly fear and panic!

Join us as Brother David Murry explains the importance of the new wineskin. Folks you can't put new wine into old wineskins.

Folks join us as Dr.Lake talks about preparing to survive what is coming. I felt like I was being ministered to by Dr. Lake in this episode. This is a don't miss!!!

Folks if you ever listen to a message please hear this one to the end!!! There is such a dangerous game being played by many who even call themselves believers. This message is serious!

Join us as Brother Benjamin discusses who are the Elect!

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