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  • Archived Episodes (97)
  • 01:02

    Love's New Earth, with Hope Ives Mauran

    in Spirituality

    If the show doesn't start on time please check back later...
    Please join us and our guest, Hope Ives Mauran, for a show on Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love, an inspiring and practical handbook and resource for navigating these times of radical change. From who we truly are as eternal consciousness, to the 2030 global agenda, Love’s New Earth empowers and guides our creation of a new Earth-based love. Weaving together stories, experiences and wisdom from many sources is practical, tactical, and empowering. By redefining who we are, where we live and reminding us of the laws of creation here on Earth, Hope invites us to remember how powerful we are as visionaries and creators. It breaks the spell of our human limitations and paints a high-frequency path to a positive future. A revolution of Love is naturally occurring as the Earth’s frequency is rising. Each of us has an important role to play as our choices now will determine how much freedom, peace and love we, our children and grandchildren will enjoy.
    Hope is a practitioner of several wisdom traditions with various notable teachers. She holds an undergraduate degree in Forestry from the University of New Hampshire, which bolsters her love of trees and nature. Hope lives in a small town in Vermont and stays “grounded” by getting her hands in the dirt growing vegetables. Learn more at www.freedomsart.com.

  • 01:03

    Psychic Radio Readings - Seek The Light Within w/ Margaret Bryant

    in Spirituality

    On This Show: Please welcome Psychic Intuitive Healer & Master Teacher Margaret Bryant.
    Bringing us closer than ever to the spirituality in Egypt's .

  • 01:26

    Eloquently Speaking About The Works Of A Busybody From A Biblical Perspective

    in Spirituality

    Eloquently Speaking about the works of a busybody from a biblical perspective with Stacey Lunsford is a new series that I am sharing to help bring awareness to the operations of busybody that is on assignment to steal, to kill and to destroy.  Our foundational scripture for today's lesson is John 10:10, 1 Peter 4:15-16 and we will be visiting the book Esther. In this series we will learn what a busybody is, what a busybody does, what a busy body says and how a busybody is used as a instrument of change to derail, to bamboozle, to distract and to cause dissension, division, separation, and death through gossip, slander, theft and murder. This series will help you to recognize the characteristics of a busybody, a murderer, a theif, an evildoer so that you can perform self-examination and repent for operating in these fruits of darkness.  It's also designed to help you to recognize when those around you are operating in these fruits of darkness to lead you astray.  There will be time for personal reflections of what you did, what you said and how you have hurt people by being a busybody and there will be times of reflections of what others did and said to hurt you.  The goal is to perform healthy confrontation and understand behaviors displayed that are or were not true to your nature.  This series is designed to promote true repentance and to disconnect from all of the negative energy produced in your life from the assignment of murder, theft, and all that comes along with the works of a busybody! To siign up for our newsletter please send an email to afreshstart@duck.com

  • 00:01

    Prayer And Free Readings

    in Spirituality

    Lets talk,,,,

  • 00:32

    Amazen Grace Ministries – We are Destroying the Yokes of Bondage!

    in Spirituality

    The Word of God addresses every aspect of our life. Although, we're living in perilous times – God is Still in control. The Word in 2 Timothy 3:1 talks about the times we are living.
    Therefore, prepare to hear a Word that will Captivate your Mind, it will change your life. Christ has come that we might have Life more abundantly! This Word will illuminate your heart and lift you to a greater level in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will take you on a journey in the Word that will give you greater peace, greater hope and closer to Jesus as we set the pace for victory.
    Come and Hear what the Word is saying to the Church! The theme for the Month of August is “Not Being fooled by the spirit of deception!” The lesson for this third Saturday in August is “The Enemy of Faith – the Spirit of Fear!”
    2 Timothy 1:7 New King James Version
    7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
    Matthew 8:26King James Version (KJV)
    26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

  • 00:45

    Angelic Insights; Connecting with your Angels and Pathways

    in Spirituality

    Rebecca J. Steiger, has the gift of channeling through the Angels. As a natural born channeler I am able to see the whole of things, Helping others in a loving and positive way. I am also a Author, of And The Angels Speak, and From Ashes to Angel Light. I am also a Master Reiki. Go into my web Sites www.Rebecca's Pathways.com' and www.theangelicinsights.com.
    Tune in and listen, learn and open yourself to a better world, finding your Devine mission upon this earth.
    I will also be channeling for others during my show. 

  • 02:12

    Tarot Tuesday Insightful and Intuitive with Casildra Crystal Corner

    in Spirituality

    <p>Join us every Tuesday evening on Casildra Crystal Corner for "Tarot Tuesdays," where we'll dive into the mystical world of tarot. Whether you're seeking clarity, guidance, or just a touch of intuition, tune in for live readings and insights that could illuminate your path. Discover how the cards can offer fresh perspectives and empower your journey. Don’t miss out—your weekly dose of tarot wisdom awaits!</p>
    <p>Book your 1 on 1 more detailed reading @ www.casildracrystalcorner.com</p>

  • 01:00

    Confessions of a Spirit Messenger

    in Spirituality

    Lies take the elevator while the truth takes the stairs/ in other words, it takes some time but eventually we get there! Let's get into it.
    PS- I've been guided to hang up this show, so come get it while it's hot! I'll be gone on Sept 4!

  • 01:01


    in Spirituality

                                                    A CELEBRATION OF PRAYER AND PRAISE
                                              AUGUST 21,, 2024 @ 7PM ON BLOCKTALK RADIO
    Luke 18 (KJV)  1And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; 2saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: 3and there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.

  • 01:01


    in Spirituality

    We are very serious manifestors! We practice, we pray, we meditate and are certain to be good caretakers of our time and money.
    Why, we are so good at bringing the unseen to the seen, that our brows are often furrowed with the seriousness of it all!
    Wait! Stop!
    Laugh out loud, giggle, be silly, enjoy levity!
    Why? Join John Warren and Ellen Hartwell today to find out why laughter is a very important aspect of manifesting and enjoying Jesus For The Rest of Us!

  • 02:22

    SDG 671 2024 End Game Update #36 The Big Lies Will be Exposed!

    in Spirituality

    We all want to know the truth about what’s really going on here in this crazy, confusing, often times chaotic world.  So be sure to listen in for the forbidden news that you'll never hear on the Fake News and stay tuned because later in the message we’ll tie it all into my humble attempt to reconcile the sovereignty of God with our free will as we distinguish freedom and liberty through the very unpopular word “obedience”
    The Bible says in Acts 5:29 KJV Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to OBEY God rather than men.  So stay tuned to learn about the importance of obeying God rather than man.  And I’m telling you folks, we are going to need to be mindful of this concept in the days ahead.
    The bottom line folks is that as believers we may be in this world but we are not of this world and as God’s people we are just pass in’ through. So let’s all REFUSE to be destroyed by this Luciferian all out war on humanity and be sure to stay tuned in to find out the latest news that the MSM will never tell you as we dive deeper and deeper into America’s new 911 events which are unfolding in slow motion while on steroids, but remember, it all started with this lab engineered, media manipulated, corona Virus Heist!