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  • Archived Episodes (93)
  • 00:59

    #686 Author Audrey Gale

    in Spirituality

    Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, July1, 2024 at 8pm MDT with guest Audrey Gale.  Think of how Nikola Tesla’s brilliant research on energy and vibration was sabotaged and suppressed by forces that saw it as a threat. Think also of so many of the amazing and effective non-traditional healing methodologies or nutritional supplements have been banned from public use, discredited and forced into limited accessibility by the government and medical establishment—especially energy-based or vibrational healing, despite that being humanity’s essential nature.
    That kind of suppression is at the heart of Audrey Gale’s new medical thriller, The Human Trial, which evokes the essence of a Robin Cook tale—an innovator, a pathologist who stand up for saving humanity, but face the most grievous odds.  
    Today, Audrey is here to explore with us how she came to write this remarkable book, and the personal experience with vibrational frequency medicine that inspired her to begin what will be a trilogy about the suppression of life-saving health solutions. You’ll hear how her interviews with real life researchers and doctors of medicine as well as physics informed the story of The Human Trial.
    Thanks for listening!
    Dave the Mystic

  • 02:00

    June 26, 2024 MindShifters Radio with host dr michael and jeanie ryce

    in Spirituality

    1st Hour
    Timothy J. Hayes, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Crystal Lake, Illinois. With over thirty years of successful experience doing therapy with individuals and families, Dr. Hayes integrates mind/body energy techniques into a client-friendly model. This model is based on the observation that people possess within themselves all the resources necessary to deal effectively with a wide variety of problems and challenges they may be facing. visit https://ch4cs.com
    2nd Hour        
    The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael and jeanie ryce are the founder and director of HeartLand, a self-healing center in the Ozark mountains. Michael is a world renowned lecturer and teacher on health and healing, with doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine and in Holistic Philosophy. The focus of his studies has combined bodymind principles, physics and ancient Aramaic studies into a unique body of pioneering work in the fields of self-healing, healing through relationships, anger and grief resolution, world peace and the inner process of Forgiveness. For more information visit www.whyagain.org

  • 01:02

    6/28 ~ C View 2024 The Ann Carter Psychic Medium Show: Tarot Card Readings

    in Spirituality

    Welcome to the Ann Carter Psychic Medium Show: Tarot Card Readings! Join us as we embark on a journey to find the clear answers you are looking for. Many of Ann clients seek direction in their careers and relationships, as well as clarity on family issues. During the show, when your guides share messages with me, I will pass them on to you.
    call (805) 830-8344 Short Link: http://tobtr.com/12340396 #TAKEMYCALL - Pay what you can and jump the line of callers - www.PayPal.me/Pureco/15 It's important to know that your guides and higher self may have unexpected news to share. As a committed communicator between the spirit world and ours, Ann promises to relay any information she receives from the spirit world.
    On this show, you can expect:
    Mediumship: Connect with your guides, angels, and loved ones. Past Life Regression: Discover your past to begin healing and moving forward. Tarot Card Readings: Receive clear answers to your questions. Future Readings: Gain insights into what you need to know and get help with direction and decisions. Tune in and let’s uncover the messages that will guide you on your path to clarity and fulfillment.
    SUMMER 2024 Psychic Development Classes with Ann:
    Book outside the show: https://www.anncartermedium.com

  • 01:30

    Mystics, Mages, and Magical Places #57 - Gay Spirituality w/ Brother Christopher

    in Spirituality

    Uniting Hearts & Spirits! So many are seeking a spiritual path that celebrates them and their true self. Join us as we welcome Brother Christopher of www.runeworker.com back to the studio for an inclusive and informative exploration on the intersection of faith, identity, and empowerment as we discuss the vibrant tapestry of gay spirituality!
    We're diving into the unique experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals seeking spiritual connection as we discuss topics of finding a spiritual path that affirms your identity, reconciling faith with societal expectations, creating rituals and practices that resonate with your spirit and the strength, support power of chosen family and LGBTQ+ spiritual communities.
    Whether you're a seasoned explorer of spirituality or just starting your journey, this episode is for you, offering valuable insights and a welcome space for open conversation. It's a chance to celebrate the beautiful diversity of faith experiences and discover the magic of living authentically, rewriting the narrative and finding the spiritual path that ignites your soul.

  • 00:45

    The Healing Frequency that Transformed My Life

    in Spirituality

    This week, I'm sharing my personal experience with an incredible Healing Frequency. Not only did I receive a healing that I never expected, it transformed my life in ways that are still unfolding every single day.  Tune in to find out more!

  • 00:16

    Does Your Emotional Intelligence Matter

    in Spirituality

    In this segment, we will discuss the significance of Emotional Intelligence. The foundational structures are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.  Join us and be Empowered! 
    To learn more about our ministry, visit our website at https://theempowermentplace.org/

  • 01:05

    Shadow Work for the Soul: Seeing Beauty in the Dark, with Mary Mueller Shutan

    in Spirituality

    Please join us and our guest, Mary Mueller Shutan, for a show on Shadow Work for the Soul: Seeing Beauty in the Dark, and learn how to find compassion for your dark side and reclaim your authentic self. Throughout our lives, we repress and deny the parts of our authentic selves that our families, peers, and the world told us were wrong, unlovable, or “too much,” and from this repression our shadow is born. By the time we reach adulthood, much of our authentic self is shadow. The connection we once had to who we truly are has been severed, and we no longer feel vibrant and enthusiastic about life. In this practical and trauma-informed guide to deep shadow work, Mary explains how to find compassion for your dark side, reconnect with the repressed and abandoned parts of yourself, and reclaim the resiliency and joy of your authentic, whole self.
    She reflects on the positive, protective role of the shadow and describes how it is composed not only of the trauma and darkness we have experienced, but also the light we have yet to absorb. As you discover and understand more of your personal dark places, Mary introduces the concept of collective shadows that are created by society yet affect us individually, including online shadows and relationship shadows. Offering a self-directed process for healing trauma and reclaiming the eclipsed light of your shadow, Mary shows how shadow work allows you to move beyond the restrictions you’ve placed on yourself and others and see the beauty inherent in the dark places of the self. 
    Mary Mueller Shutan is a spiritual healer and teacher with an extensive background in Chinese medicine, energy work, and somatic bodywork. Author of The Spiritual Awakening Guide, Managing Psychic Abilities, The Body Deva, and Working with Kundalini, Mary lives near Chicago, Illinois. Learn more at https://MaryShutan.com.

  • 00:52

    The Neil and Kristin Baler Psychic Hour

    in Spirituality

    Please donate to our show: www.paypal.com/kristin73
    To connect with the hosts or for readings, please call the listener line, 914.338.0164.For inquiries regarding personal readings, please call 562.596.7818.World-renowned psychic Neil Baker and his psychic protege and wife, Kristin Baker, are featured on this hour long show which deals with the vast, expansive world of psychic phenomenon.This show delves into the extraordinary mysteries that reside beyond the physical realm of common experience. Neil and Kristin are your guides and teachers as they establish a stage that is both personal and universal, while callers have the opportunity to connect with Neil and Kristin for on-air readings.ABOUT THE HOSTS: Neil Baker has been a psychic for over 45 years,having discovered his gifts at the age of 4 years old. Kristin Baker encountered Neil on a radio show in 2011 and began working with him in order to further develop her psychic abilities..As Kristin’s third eye started to open, she began to awaken to the deep and mystical bond between herself and Neil.Neil then revealed to Kristin written material composed over a period beginning 41 years prior to their meeting that contained Kristin’s name, the sacred numerological codes shared between Kristin and Neil, references to their past life journeys, as well as uncanny events that later unfolded and continue to be revealed in their lives as a couple.Thereby, Neil’s and Kristin’s bond was established on both a personal and professional level. Neil has conducted nearly 100,000 personal readings, and Neil and Kristin together have conducted over 10,000 personal readings. They are currently writing their first book together, a groundbreaking work on the deep cosmic codes of birthdates, the more hidden codes of past lives, and the phenomenon of twin souls. In their continued service to the public, they expect to share profound insights into to the astral realm and beyond.

  • 02:01

    Two Psychics Episode 24 Cellular Memory & Telepathic Messages

    in Spirituality

    Two Psychics Ep 24 Michael & Mary speak of cellular memory & telepathic messages. Mary gives a light healing visualization & Michael takes call-ins for psychic readings. Michael Edley is an Evidential Medium and Spiritual Visionary.
    Since the age of three, Michael has connected to spirit. www.michaeledley.com He has used these abilities to guide him throughout his life as a Psychic Medium. These gifts have led him to be an entrepreneur, business owner, real estate investor and composer/musician. Recently Michael has finished his latest release ”Divine Journey of a Mystic Soul”. Which uses therapeutic sound healing to rebalance and support our body’s energy systems. As an evidential medium, Michael is a bridge between two realms. Using his highly attuned abilities. Michael inspires profound spiritual growth and life changing transformation to all of his clients.
    Mary Amy is a Certified Intuitive Wisdom Coach & Reiki Master. She has utilized her clairvoyant abilities for the past nine years, receives divine messages & premonition dreams. Mary Amy works with clients and establishes a confidential relationship of trust and support. She believes maintaining the client’s pace of healing is essential to “their experience.” Mary connects on a spiritual & emotional level with her clients as she guides them towards positive outcomes. During the coaching sessions Mary encourages her clients to reach their fullest potential & purpose.
    Website:Mary Amy – Intuitive Wisdom Coach & TV Host (maryamyofficial.com) 
    Two Psychics Merchandise: Two Psychics | Spreadshop

  • 01:01

    Healing Through Readings with Spirit with Medium Cheryl Murphy

    in Spirituality

    On Monday, July 8th join me and my guest Medium Cheryl Murphy as we explore the transformative power of readings and how messages from spirit can offer profound healing and validation, touching lives in unexpected and deeply meaningful ways.
    We will also share a few compelling stories of individuals who have experienced remarkable healing through these readings.
    You will:
    - Learn how signs from the spirit provide comfort and guidance, affirming that our loved ones are still with us.
    - Witness the healing that comes from receiving validation, helping people to move forward with peace and clarity.
    Mark your calendars to join us as we delve into the spirit world’s awareness of our lives today, demonstrating the beauty of connecting with the spirit and the healing it brings.
    About Cheryl Murphy:
    Cheryl comes from a long line of gifted psychics and spiritual mediums going all the way back to her Cherokee great great grandmother. Growing up Cheryl experienced that whenever her families gathered all the women would join in a seance. Today they still use their intuitive abilities to guide them in business, music, finding lost animals, and opportunities in the entertainment industry.
    Cheryl has integrity and sincerity about her work. Her goal is to connect people with their own light and intuitive abilities.
    Cheryl is Founder of The Healing Prayer Circle and member of The Mind Body Spirit Network.

  • 00:28

    Woman on Fire, July is a fire month Guest: Tremika Britten

    in Spirituality

    As She shares about Prayer and intercession, Get ready to be poured into!
    Tremika Britten is our WOMAN ON FIRE GUEST THIS MONTH. JULY 13TH 10AM
    Hello here is my bio Tremika Britton is a trailblazer in her family as the first to attend college, embodying resilience and determination in pursuit of her dreams. A devoted single mother, she draws strength and inspiration from her unwavering faith in God. Currently advancing her studies in Behavioral Science, Tremika adeptly balances academic rigor with leadership responsibilities in both her academic and professional spheres. Within her college community, Tremika serves as a guiding light in the single ministry, offering compassion and support to others facing similar life challenges. At her workplace, she excels as a project manager and plays a pivotal role in the women’s network ERG, advocating passionately for inclusivity and empowerment among her peers. Known for her kindness, generosity, and steadfast faith, Tremika is a prayer warrior and a steadfast companion to her friends, always ready to support and uplift. Her greatest joy lies in her role as a nurturing mother to her daughter, whom she cherishes above all else. As the youngest of six siblings, Tremika holds family values close to her heart and finds fulfillment in making a positive impact, both personally and professionally. In every aspect of her life, Tremika Britton embodies resilience, leadership, and a deep commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for women in the workplace and beyond.