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Exposing Lies † Sharing Truth From the political to the paranormal and economics to the esoteric, we cover it. Anti-Transhuman, Conscious Media & Alternative News, Occult Information, Truth Seeking Artist - Find Us On YouTube & Subscribe Website: http://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/ Email: FreedomsFaction@Gmail.com Instagram: @Freedom_Faction, @Freedoms_Faction FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/factionsoffreedom/ Twitter: @FreedomsFaction, @NoizceEra Donate: https://www.paypal.me/noizceera Paradox Radio: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/paradox-radio/, https://www.facebook.com/FreedomsParadoxRadio/ The Battalion’s Bazaar: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/the-battalion-s-bazaar/ Operation Dunamis: https://www.gofundme.com/operation-dunamis Exclusive Membership: https://www.patreon.com/FreedomFaction

On-Demand Episodes

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/RWMEt-IM2Uo] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/31TIOCt] There's no doubt about it, we're in the beginning stages of a global depression, not because of CoViD, but because of the response to... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/Rds4eYFeF7Y] GET STORABLE GOODS: [https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=1592017.68fb24] All Of This Is Setting The Stage For Agenda 21 + 2030 - The chaos is cover fo the collapse... more

[YouTube VIdeo Version: https://youtu.be/sln628gNrpE] [Episode Article:https://bit.ly/2F08u8z] All of us are on the menu of the controlling elite, I hope people are beginning to get that. The mask isn't about the virus, it's about... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/Qt-DnBz_EfE] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/2XehFIO] We're still here, coronavirus free and not contact traced! As silly as that may sound, I feel like this undesired confrontation is creeping... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/xPdiaTLth-M] My Censorship - Launching The Web App - Operating On Alt. Platforms - Shadowbanned -> Innovate/Diversify - Corporate Culture Takeover -- Brainwashed... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/cCwpsPdRVHo] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/32Q3kpG] We're back from our two week hiatus to say hello to our haters! As we see volatile reactions from people on both sides of the political... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/z0DjwBkkA90] "We Shall Unleash The Nihilists and The Atheists..." - Albert Pike - The Collapse of Civilization? -- Post Industrial Revolution/Fourth Industrial Revolution -- Restructuring society on a... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/F1QTYB0dWpI] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/2Z5JnHM] Speaking from a purely American point-of-view, I'm seeing events take place on both sides of the political aisle that signal to me, the... more

YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/XenUJ2Wnv2s June 21st Nationwide Luciferian March for a One World Government - Culture Wars/Civilization Wars (George Orwell's Brave New World) -- The War on Consciousness - READ:... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/OKBXmoGRWTI] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/2zKlTiJ] With tensions flaring on both sides of the political aisle, we find ourselves still wading through the miasma of confusion. Selective... more

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