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Factions Of Freedom

Factions Of Freedom


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Exposing Lies † Sharing Truth From the political to the paranormal and economics to the esoteric, we cover it. Anti-Transhuman, Conscious Media & Alternative News, Occult Information, Truth Seeking Artist - Find Us On YouTube & Subscribe Website: http://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/ Email: FreedomsFaction@Gmail.com Instagram: @Freedom_Faction, @Freedoms_Faction FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/factionsoffreedom/ Twitter: @FreedomsFaction, @NoizceEra Donate: https://www.paypal.me/noizceera Paradox Radio: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/paradox-radio/, https://www.facebook.com/FreedomsParadoxRadio/ The Battalion’s Bazaar: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/the-battalion-s-bazaar/ Operation Dunamis: https://www.gofundme.com/operation-dunamis Exclusive Membership: https://www.patreon.com/FreedomFaction

On-Demand Episodes

YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/V76BdyntZgU Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFSuPa5fBpY1eySndA The Greater Reset V.S. The Great Awakening - The NWO Is Here - "Build Back Better" Agenda --... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/j36QxMLX7R4] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/2MesU1p] With only a few days in office underneath his belt, the Biden administration has successfully attacked the heart of the nation, affecting... more

Tell me what you guys think. This was created while using Telegram and some of the recording software we used. The idea is to switch up the configuration of how we deliver content and interact with the audience. Like Instagram,... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/6ZPCyAyg5No] Will America fall in 2021? (Weak Economy, Weaker Morale) - Build Back Better Biden is an authoritarian * Takes orders from China - Harris is an authoritarian Civil War?... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/aiZu1pR88jI] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/3bZqgr1] On the heels of the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the President of the United States, we have returned. Our three... more

YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/ZdMuBa-nI08 The State of The Truth Community - Next Level Activism - QAnon - Operation Trust - "Hopium" -- Accelerationists & Extremists Effective Resistance Tactics (Protests Are Traps)... more

Thank you, again, team. I'll catch you all on the flipside. Be safe out there! And remember, stay vigilant! Expose lies and share truth!

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/wGsYaTxtrOI] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/3nuNQyT] Normally, around this time frame, the world is winding down in celebration towards what's to come, however, many are disturbed... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/9wCufTdvmaA] CoViD Canceling Culture... The Reformation of Ideologies - #PostiivePropaganda -- Santa Has CoViD Eliminating Nationalities, Holidays & More Creates A... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/CwxnaUTUrFg] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/372UV3H As we enter the latter stages of 2020, the twilight of the year, the time for self-reflection has been robbed by the looming salvation of a... more

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