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Factions Of Freedom

Factions Of Freedom


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Exposing Lies † Sharing Truth From the political to the paranormal and economics to the esoteric, we cover it. Anti-Transhuman, Conscious Media & Alternative News, Occult Information, Truth Seeking Artist - Find Us On YouTube & Subscribe Website: http://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/ Email: FreedomsFaction@Gmail.com Instagram: @Freedom_Faction, @Freedoms_Faction FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/factionsoffreedom/ Twitter: @FreedomsFaction, @NoizceEra Donate: https://www.paypal.me/noizceera Paradox Radio: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/paradox-radio/, https://www.facebook.com/FreedomsParadoxRadio/ The Battalion’s Bazaar: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/the-battalion-s-bazaar/ Operation Dunamis: https://www.gofundme.com/operation-dunamis Exclusive Membership: https://www.patreon.com/FreedomFaction

On-Demand Episodes

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/-UhGmbSCcKQ] - The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ/CHOP) -- AntiFa + BLM -- The New Mexico Civil Guard/Patriot Movements --- Selective Enforcement - Trump's New Policing... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/t7l1Lu2r1S0] - The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ/CHOP) -- AntiFa + BLM -- The New Mexico Civil Guard/Patriot Movements --- Selective Enforcement - Trump's New Policing... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/sA12fd1DxXo] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/30KAGoX] We're joined by my friend and essentially a life-long activist by the name of Craig Fitzgerald. Like many of the rogues gallery... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/GCB-Pwsfkq8] Watch, @Beeple_Crap's Manifest Destiny: [https://www.instagram.com/tv/B40He2yAqdG/] - The Story of My Chicken, Arma & Creating My Walking Stick-Spear - Rooftop... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/Zp2IpWhpdIY] Zbellion: [https://youtu.be/y-UtQhlOvY8] - The Story of My Chicken, Arma & Creating My Walking Stick-Spear - Rooftop Security Patrol - The Powers/Teachings of... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/y-UtQhlOvY8] In the face of protests composed largely of young people, the presence of America's military on the streets of major cities has been a controversial development. But this isn't the... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/fsL1COvsLaw] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/3dBrdnp] It would seem the destruction brought by the virus has subsided in its intensity, yielding its world-ending abilities to the almighty power... more

YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/YLDsnOkXA-g Post-Coronavirus - German Study Confirming Hoax - The Psychological Effects of Being Locked Down -- Police Abuse During The Lockdown --- Psychological... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/A0Im60DsDFQ] [Episode Article: https://bit.ly/2XKYhCO] We're joined by one of our favorite and frequent guests, Charles Kassin of @TruthIsTerrorism to discuss CoViD-1984, the mass mind... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/u4U_ShnoM50] New Mexico Leaders in Mindfulness Conference of 2019 - Psychedelics V.S. Pharmaceuticals -- The Suicide Spirit & Spiritual Warfare --- Guilt, shame, apathy, self-pty, Nihilism ----... more

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