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Engage For Success

Engage For Success - Employee Engagement


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The movement for employee engagement. Committed to the idea that there is a better way to work, a better way to enable personal and organisational growth.

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Peter Economy is a best-selling business author, ghostwriter, developmental editor, and publishing consultant with more than 100 books to his credit (and more than 3 million copies sold). Peter's book ‘Managing For Dummies' sold... more

Special Guest: Clara Buckingham: Head of People at James and James eCommerce Fulfilment Clara Buckingham, Head of People at James and James eCommerce Fulfilment, joins us to talk about the importance of creating a... more

Special Guests: co-Radio Show Hosts and co-Strategy Directors of EfS, Jo Moffatt, Woodreed & Jo Dodds, Counterpoint Matters & Lorna Leeson, founder of Little Tent During lockdown Jo M conjured up an idea for providing... more

Paula Gardner is a career psychologist and business coach and founder of https://redundancyrecoveryhub.com. She has collected a team of experts who provide expert advice, psychology based tutorials and online coaching to help... more

Special Guest: Jennifer Thompson: President of Insight Marketing Group Jennifer Thompson has served as President of Insight Marketing Group since 2006 and helps physicians and private medical practices throughout the U.S. attract and... more

Special Guest: Gerry Brown aka The Customer Lifeguard One other unwelcome consequence of Covid-19 is yet more mind-numbing, teeth grating jargon, and among many others that need to be consigned to the literary dustbin are ?the... more

Special Guest: Sharon Peake: Shape Talent Ltd Historically, gender quality has been viewed as a women's issue and the focus has been on how to ‘fix' women. And whilst there are undoubtedly actions women can and should take to... more

Special Guest: Rum Ekhtiar: Founder and Partner of Rum & Co. Rum Ekhtiar, founder and partner of Rum & Co, has worked with Fortune 500 companies like MetLife, Citi and Novartis, providing best-in-class internal communications.... more

Special Guest: Lisa Pantelli (Head of Content and Community at simplycommunicate) and Marc Wright (Founder of simplycommunicate). Following the publication of simply's latest simplytrends report, Lisa Pantelli, head... more

Special Guest: Jessica Rowe: Head of Digital and Cultural Transformation at DIAGMED Healthcare Ltd In an increasingly connected world, where digital is influencing organisations in almost every sector, in order to avoid being left... more
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