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Engage For Success

Engage For Success - Employee Engagement


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The movement for employee engagement. Committed to the idea that there is a better way to work, a better way to enable personal and organisational growth.

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Special Guests: David MacLeod & Nita Clarke, co-Founders of EFS As the Engage for Success movement celebrates ten years since its launch at 10 Downing Street, David MacLeod and Nita Clarke, the authors of the report that... more

Special Guest: Jason Treu: Chief People Officer and Company Culture and Leadership Expert Jason Treu is a Chief People Officer and leadership and teamwork expert. He helps executives, managers, and HR departments develop... more

Special Guest: Nigel Girling, Senior Consultant, Inspirational Development Group and EFS TAGs Steering Group member For a decade, the Engagement movement has been beavering away. And yes, the dial has undoubtedly shifted.... more

Special Guest - Eileen McDargh: Author of Burnout to Breakthrough: Building Resiliency to Refuel, Recharge and Reclaim What Matters In May 2019, the World Health Organization declared burnout as a global occupational hazard with... more

Special Guest: Cath Bishop: Olympic medalist rower, former diplomat and business coach Dr Cath Bishop is an Olympic medalist rower, former diplomat and now works as a business coach and speaker and teaches on Executive... more

Special Guest: Karen Notaro: People Insight Manager and Race Ambassador at Ministry of Justice UK and Ruth Patel: Employee Engagement Manager at Ministry of Justice UK Karen and Ruth will be joining the podcast to talk about... more

Special Guest: Kate Isichei: Global Internal Comms Consultant Kate hosts Engagement Express; a podcast series for HR, engagement and communication professionals. This podcast provides inspiration and tips on how to build and... more

Special Guest: Ritu Mohanka: Head of Business Development and Strategic Growth in EMEA The global pandemic, economic dislocation and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement are all having a major impact on what we are... more

Special Guest: Adam Mendler: CEO of the Veloz Group Adam has written and speaks extensively about how to build a winning company culture. It is also a key theme of his podcast Thirty Minute Mentors, as he speaks to America's top... more

Special Guest: Danny Hadas: Founder of The Emovation Project Your bottom line is dependent on one thing—your people! Now is the time for a new kind of leadership to bring forth unprecedented performance for your business. This... more
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