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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government Sponsored... more

Questions... you have them, we get them! At BRIDE Ministries we like to think that we stay at the cutting edge of a number of subjects. For this reason we get a lot of email, and the letters and questions that come in can be, to put it in a... more

At BRIDE Ministries we are continually provided tools, knowledge, and insight into Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dissociation is a centerpiece of the conversation around how the New World Order is being established and how the powers of... more

The Fire Place Church is the weekly ministry service offered by BRIDE Ministries at www.thefireplacechurch.org. After every service we have live internet based moderated discussion groups. One of our moderators, Todd, will be joining Dan... more

Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government Sponsored... more

Jeff Jansen is back with Dan Duval to get into a large number of subjects. Jeff Jansen is an internationally recognized conference speaker and crusade evangelist. He is the Founder of Global Fire Ministries International, and Senior... more

Nikki is a beloved part of BRIDE Ministries. Not only is she Daniel's Executive Assistant, but she is also a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind Control projects. She joins Daniel for a third installment of her story this week. She will... more

Hold onto your hats! This week's program will again push the envelope as Dan Duval gets into it with Daryl Crawford-Marshall, a senior leader at Field of Dreams in Adelaide Australia. Daryl is a true seer and prophet that moves mightily in... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be getting into it on the subjects of divorce and remarriage. While this may seem like a deviation from some of the subject matter we are often getting into, it is a subject that is... more

Dan Duval was invited to speak at Global Fire Church and spoke on the subject of the Armor of God. It was a very powerful message followed by an impartation for upgraded spiritual armor. That message is the program this week. Listen as... more

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