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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to continue an exploration into the depths of the Illuminati. As an Illuminati defector, the depth and breadth of Robert's knowledge of the true activities... more

This week on Discovering the truth with Dan Duval we are joined for the second time by Daryl Crawford-Marshall. He moves in the prophetic in an incredible way and joins Dan to discuss what God is doing with his prophetic people in this... more

Todd Weatherly, Senior Leader of Field of Dreams in Adelaide, Australia, is back with Dan Duval to get into it on the substance of faith and the subconscious. Speaking from a history of verifiable breakthroughs in prayer, Todd will... more

Today on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are joined by again by Hope for the third installment of her incredible story. Hope is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and an Illuminati defector. In this episode, she gets into werewolves and... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are joined by Amanda Buys of Kanaan Ministries in South Africa. Amanda and her husband Roly have been working in the areas of deliverance and satanic ritual abuse for... more

Today on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are joined by again by Hope for the second installment of her incredible story. Hope is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and an Illuminati defector. In this episode, she picks up the... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval he is joined by International Evangelist and Deliverance Minister Angela Greenig. She is also a published author and hosts a media network. She is is a seasoned seer/warrior for Jesus... more

This episode is a blast from the past. Last year Dan Duval was interviewed by Josh Peck on his program "The Sharpening Report" (www.sharpeningreport.com) on the release of his book Higher Dimensions, Parallel Dimensions, and... more

On Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval there are many conversations that happen around high level spiritual warfare. However, sometimes it is good to get down to the basics. In this episode, Dan Duval breaks down deliverance 101.... more

This week Dan Duval goes solo to lay out a big picture vantage point on wealth and how it relates to God's kingdom and agenda. He gets into questions like, why are so many believers impaled by financial lack? Why do evil people seem to... more

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