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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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John King joins Dan Duval on another episode of Discovering the Truth to get into the subjects of marriage, children and covenant. Many couples face struggles in the area of marriage. People ask, "How can I better relate to my spouse? Why... more

Liz is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval and is joined by Dr. Bailey. She is an Illuminati defector that has been working with Dr. Bailey for roughly a decade. Today they are sitting down to tackle Narcissism and how it relates to... more

There is a lot going around the internet regarding an agenda to target Donald Trump with witchcraft that is to be coordinated with every waxing and waning moon until he is out of office. This is my prayer for our president.

Paul Tothill is the Senior Leaders and Pastor of Gateway Church in Adelaid Australia. He is a powerful preacher and expositor of the Word of God. He is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to get into worship. Prepare to... more

Today on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are joined by Hope. Hope is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and an Illuminti defector. In this episode, she begins the telling of her incredible story. This is the first part of a series we are... more

This week we invite Arthur Burk onto Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to tap his brain on a number of subjects relating to the human spirit, the soul, and of course, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Moving on from these subject Arthur and... more

In this week's program, Dan Duval goes solo to discuss the latest in deliverance breakthrough's that are being unveiled. He will get into how one successfully renounces Illuminati bloodlines to free themselves of the evil covenants... more

After the phenomenal success of our first mailbag program we decided to do a round 2. This time brings Dr. Bailey into the batter's box, Nikki opens up a number of questions from our mailbag that will certainly have you riveted. In... more

Gossip, slander, and offense are huge problems within the body of Christ. If you have been around very long, it is unlikely that you have not had your own battles in these areas. In this episode, Dan Duval and Kynan Bridges... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, Dan goes solo on a teaching that will revolutionize your life. This week he will get into how one gets free from the problem of human persecutors. Many people have problems with... more

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