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The Other Side of Midnight

The Other Side of Midnight


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Hosted by Richard C. Hoagland, Exposing Suppressed Science, Cutting Edge of Science and Thought

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Show Page: Alternative Listening: By now, almost everyone has heard the idea that ?the three main Pyramids on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, remarkably, ‘line up' geometrically with the almost identical celestial spacing and angles of the three brilliant ‘Belt Stars' of the constellation of Orion? — a theory first widely publicized in 1989 by ?rogue Egyptologist,? Robert Bauval. What is NOT known is that seven years earlier, while sitting at her desk one afternoon in 1982, our own Barbara Honegger — holder, among other duties, of the NASA/Space portfolio in the Reagan White House, Office of Domestic Policy — was having a ?moment.? Suddenly, in the middle of a completely mundane task … Barbara had three ?flashes of Insight,? what she termed ?a sudden Knowing.? 1) That the three Belt Stars of Orion were celestial ?analogs? to the three main Pyramids at Giza (remember, seven years BEFORE Bauval!). 2) That, their Main Purpose was to line up geometrically on Earth as a direct analog to the Orion geometry in the sky — pointing DIRECTLY toward another spot on the Giza Plateau, a spot corresponding to THE most important star in the Ancient Egyptian cosmology: the ?dog star? Sirius itself .. which, of course, corresponded to the fabled Egyptian goddess, Isis. 3) And, at THAT desert location something ?overwhelmingly important? would be found buried … perhaps … an ancient Temple to Sirius (Isis) herself …. Or … could it be something even MORE extraordinary? THAT'S our ?Sirius Point Mystery? tonight. Join us. Richard C. Hoagland

On-Demand Episodes

Show Page: Alternative Listening This week, while the world has been distracted as usual by a half-dozen potentially catastrophic crises -- including ... two major planetary wars, each with the implicit threat of turning "nuclear" -- a Quiet... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: Why have HALF the lunar missions -- sent by several independent nations and even private corporations, to land "robots on the Moon," since 1976-- CRASHED!! And, is the latest robot lander on its way... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: "UFO whistleblower testifies his life was threatened over secret alien tech-retrieval [by the US government] ...." And that was just one of the "quieter" headlines (!) coming out of last... more

Show: Alternative Listening: The original idea for tonight's conversation came in a discussion a few weeks ago with Matthew Bailey -- our "resident AI expert." "Matt," I said, "we need to do a dedicated program, and soon, regarding the key... more

Show: Alternative Listening: The original idea for tonight's conversation came in a discussion a few weeks ago with Matthew Bailey -- our "resident AI expert." "Matt," I said, "we need to do a dedicated program, and soon, regarding the key... more

Show: Alternative Listening: The original idea for tonight's conversation came in a discussion a few weeks ago with Matthew Bailey -- our "resident AI expert." "Matt," I said, "we need to do a dedicated program, and soon, regarding the key... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening BULLETIN!! IVO, the small US electronics company based in North Dakota, which created a non-rocket-based "quantum space drive" and launched it into a low Earth orbit last November 11, 2023, has... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening BULLETIN!! IVO, the small US electronics company based in North Dakota, which created a non-rocket-based "quantum space drive" and launched it into a low Earth orbit last November 11, 2023, has... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: Are we finally in "the endgame" when it comes to the 77-year, turgid government cover-up of "UAPs" (UFOs)? Last summer, David Grusch, a former intelligence analyst with the Pentagon's newly-created... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: NASA just embarked upon another "secret mission" ... and they did it this week in plain sight! An official "Enterprise Mission" (I kid you NOT) .... Just ask one of the NASA rocket engineers, as in his... more

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