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The Other Side of Midnight

The Other Side of Midnight


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Hosted by Richard C. Hoagland, Exposing Suppressed Science, Cutting Edge of Science and Thought

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Show Page: Alternative Listening: By now, almost everyone has heard the idea that ?the three main Pyramids on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, remarkably, ‘line up' geometrically with the almost identical celestial spacing and angles of the three brilliant ‘Belt Stars' of the constellation of Orion? — a theory first widely publicized in 1989 by ?rogue Egyptologist,? Robert Bauval. What is NOT known is that seven years earlier, while sitting at her desk one afternoon in 1982, our own Barbara Honegger — holder, among other duties, of the NASA/Space portfolio in the Reagan White House, Office of Domestic Policy — was having a ?moment.? Suddenly, in the middle of a completely mundane task … Barbara had three ?flashes of Insight,? what she termed ?a sudden Knowing.? 1) That the three Belt Stars of Orion were celestial ?analogs? to the three main Pyramids at Giza (remember, seven years BEFORE Bauval!). 2) That, their Main Purpose was to line up geometrically on Earth as a direct analog to the Orion geometry in the sky — pointing DIRECTLY toward another spot on the Giza Plateau, a spot corresponding to THE most important star in the Ancient Egyptian cosmology: the ?dog star? Sirius itself .. which, of course, corresponded to the fabled Egyptian goddess, Isis. 3) And, at THAT desert location something ?overwhelmingly important? would be found buried … perhaps … an ancient Temple to Sirius (Isis) herself …. Or … could it be something even MORE extraordinary? THAT'S our ?Sirius Point Mystery? tonight. Join us. Richard C. Hoagland

On-Demand Episodes

Show: Alternative Listening: "Designer Solar System!" Classic drawings and photographs of Jupiter and Saturn, when compared with current imaging (both amateur AND professional), reveal curious "imaging discrepancies" -- mainly, in... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: Tonight's show (April 14) is a continuation of the extraordinary lunar theme (and evidence!) presented during last night's program (April 13), re the idea that "total solar eclipses" are NOT, in fact, the... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening:/ There has been much public discussion lately of ?AI? — ?artificial Intelligence? — and its imminent potential for totally transforming life on Earth … if not the Earth itself. Public... more

Show: Alternative Listening: There's much discussion these days about "living on Earth 2 ...." ("Earth 1" was where we USED to live ... before "the Crazy Years.") Before ... Donald Trump. Or, as Nicki Haley keeps intoning-- "Chaos ... just... more

Show: Alternative Listening: The original idea for tonight's conversation came in a discussion a few weeks ago with Matthew Bailey -- our "resident AI expert." "Matt," I said, "we need to do a dedicated program, and soon, regarding the key... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: Before the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse physically swept across the country last Monday afternoon, the media was awash for weeks in "pre-Eclipse Hype" -- lavishly-produced short videos, endlessly... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: Before the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse physically swept across the country last Monday afternoon, the media was awash for weeks in "pre-Eclipse Hype" -- lavishly-produced short videos, endlessly... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: In two weeks, millions of Americans will witness first hand -- and, for the second time in just seven years! -- one of Earth's most extraordinary spectacles-- A Total Eclipse of the Sun. On April 8, 2024, from... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: ?DC's UFO Lobbyist Blasts Pentagon Report Claiming No Alien Coverup. ?Stephen Bassett calls DoD findings ?completely false,? vows to continue pressing the government.? As these headlines from... more

Show Page: Alternative Listening: In two weeks, millions of Americans will witness first hand -- and, for the second time in just seven years! -- one of Earth's most extraordinary spectacles-- A Total Eclipse of the Sun. On April 8, 2024, from... more

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