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Shabakas Black Experience Enhanced

Shabaka's Black Experience Enhanced


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Discussing Pan African issues from Ancient times to the Present. Enhancing African Peoples knowledge of Self. Working and focusing on solutions to internal community issues. Researching New Knowledge from the African Diaspora and the Continent.

On-Demand Episodes

We will be having an OPEN MIC discussion about Black Politicians who have, in efffect, a White Supremacist agenda that is hidden from mainstream Black voters, whether it is at the local, state, or federal level. We would like to get feedback... more

Welcome To OUR SPECIAL EDITION: We will be discussing what significant progress has been made, or not made, as a people, within the last 55 years since Dr. King's last speech of April 1968. We have seen other groups, who have... more

We will be discussing these current false narratives that misled the Black Community politically, economically, and socially. Jesse Parris, Mayoral Candidate for City of Denver Lady Che, Co-Executive Producer Rahmel Understanding,... more

On this last episode of the year 2022, we will be discussing a recap of events in 2022 starting in August 2022! Please call in with your questions, comments and concerns The call in number 516-418-5996 Press 1 and you will be live on the... more

We are having a discussion in regards to us as a people for collective efforts in our plight to overcome tribulations and trials that countermand our progress as a people, including all of the Diaspora. It has been proven time and again that to... more

We are having an in-depth conversation about our self-determination and self-preservation. Why is it common for our people to believe that the only way we can to get ahead is to be inclusive with other groups that DO NOT include us in... more

On tonights episode of Shabaka's Blacc Experience Enhanced we will be discussing the new Arutisuse Holiday Foundational Blacc Americans are celebrating starting this year 2022! The official date is tomorrow Saturday... more

On tonight's episode of Shabaka's Blacc Experience Enhanced, We are having an in-depth discussion and "Think Tank" about how we can achieve self reliance in these troubling contemporary times. All we got is each other. We have no... more

We will be discussing the State of Emergency that has been declared by the Mayor of Los Angeles in regard to the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles. What would be the results of this? Will it set trend for other big city Mayor's as well?

Tonight we are discussing the major concerns of the general public in regards to the major political shifts. Please call in with your comments, questions, and concerns. This episode is for those 18 years of age and older.

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