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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

On-Demand Episodes

Trump is a cheater & nothing else!

The GOP is now nothing more than a party with one core concept - Donald J. Trump.

Trump is headed for his "due" justice!

Well Trumperzzz! --- Have you had enough of winning!

Trump - on his way out the door - is a mad man fraught with danger - without a care for anyone but his own selfish carcass!

Trump finally faces "lady-justice" --- she will "trump" Trump! End result - Trump indicted - convicted + incarcerated!

The Republicans Have EVOLVED Into Nothing More Than "Mindless" LEMMINGS!

New York State is pursuing criminal + civil investigations against Trump + his family.

TAmerica must undertake the prosecution of Donald J. Trump - for the health and vitality of this nation.

Trump got baked . . . . . . .

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