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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

On-Demand Episodes

Mar-A-Lago ---> . AFTER 't'---RUMP ---> . Will Turn Into An ---> . LGBTQ ---> . VACATION Resort!!! . Ru Paul ---> . Here We Come, "South Beach (Bi-Yatch) .

Donnie --- . In PRISON --- . "WE" --- . GLAD!!!!!!!!!! .

't'---RUMP ---> . One BIG ---> . FU*KING!!! ---> . PINATA!!! . SLAM, BAM ---> THAN YA' ---> . 't'---RUMP --- MAN!!! .

Donnie ---> . Takes A ---> . "PERP" WALK---> . On The ---> . 'WILD-SIDE" .

TRUMP --- . SET TO GET --- . 'RE-INDICTED' --- . "REAL" --- . SOOOOOOON!!!

D.O.J. ---> . "READY" TO ---> . INDICT ---> . TRUMP!!! .

THE 'TRUMP' --- "THING" --- . WILL BE --- . 'DONE-IN' --- BY 'MOTHER' --- . HISTORY!

Trump Gets ---> . INDICTED ---> . AGAIN!!!

The U.S. Press Has ---> . NEVER, EVER ---> . "Confronted" TRUMP ---> . With TRUE ---> RIGOROUS Journalistic ---> . TREATMENT!

Donald 't'---RUMP ---> . WILL BE ---> . Headed For More ---> . "BOOKINGS" ---> . To Be Followed By ---> . CONVICTIONS + ---> . Jail Sentences!!! .

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