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Contending For The Faith

You, God, The Church & Money


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YOU, GOD, THE CHURCH & MONEY Is A No-Nonsense, Straight-Talking Call-In Broadcast That Squarely Puts The Spotlight Of Scripture On All Things Financial Which Adversely Effect God's People, Tarnishes The Testimony And Hinders The Effectiveness Of The Lord's Church

On-Demand Episodes

Today's broadcast is a call-in show. Sis. Marie will be joining our host Bro. Moses for this two hour broadcast. During the first hour bro. Moses will be teaching. His provocative topic: God Will Judge All Balaams which is based on Joshua 13:22... more

Our churches in America are plagued by the self-enriching ministry of false prophets who are HIRED GUNS. God has given us here at JACKASS BISHOPS NEWS another PROPHETIC WORD for these mammon-craving... more

Our churches in America are plagued by the self-enriching ministry of false prophets who are HIRED GUNS. God has given us here at JACKASS BISHOPS NEWS a PROPHETIC WORD for these mammon-craving propheliars. Tune in... more

Our churches in America are plagued by the self-enriching ministry of false prophets who are HIRED GUNS. With the permission of the local church pastors these mammon-craving propheliars divest the members of their wealth and split... more

Believers in Jesus Christ need to beware of false prophets in the Church today who are HIRED GUNS. These mammon-craving propheliars are the present-day embodiment of Balaam the son of Bosor. Tune in today to hear this compelling... more

Fake bishops and prophets need to be pitied when God becomes their UNDERTAKER and buries them DEEP under His wrath! So Deep in fact that they will never recover and never be seen. Tune in today to hear this riveting Bible... more

The apostle Jude declared woes unto three types of preachers. Upon these types of pseudo clerics will God Almighty pour out His Wrath. Tune in and find out who is on God's MOST WANTED LIST E-mail us... more

God has been pretty busy as of late pouring out His Wrath upon fake BISHOPS and PROPHETS. As the book of Revelation forewarns - First comes the TRUMPET BLASTS of WARNING followed by the POURING OUT of the... more

Today's broadcast is a call-in show. Sis. Marie will be joining our host Bro. Moses for this two hour broadcast. During the first hour bro. Moses will be teaching. His provocative topic: Jesus Was A Hater And So Am I. Sis. Marie will be sharing... more

The apostle John called the apostate church of Revelation 17 & 18, the Roman Catholic Church today the Mother of Harlots. The Mother of Harlots Church is extremely CORRUPT. Tune in and find out why! E-mail us at... more

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