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Tune in TODAY (Saturday 12/21/24) LIVE at 3 pm EST (2 pm CT/8 pm GMT) on Blog Talk Radio to hear: "THE CHRISTMAS TREE GODDESS!" Just dial (319)527-6197. Or listen online by clicking on this link.
Walking Out Purpose Radio - SUNDAY
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Please tune in Sundays @ 3PM CST & 4PM EDT to "Light Unto Your Path Broadcast" with Pastors Gregory & Roshanda Peppers Walking Out Purpose Radio Network USA/WORLD.
Sponsored by Ewing Moving & Storage, INC.
Bible Study with Carl on Freedomizer Radio
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I will point us to scriptural biblical answers and not man's opinions including my own
"Unexpected Packages" Sermon
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Pastor James Brandt preaching at Living Waters Chapel in Caro, Michigan.
Episode 412: A Theology of Giving
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In the first half of a Christmas-tide mini-series about giving and receiving, colleagues in ministry Erica, Sarah, Natalie, and Steve are exploring a theology of giving... and of receiving. What does it mean to think of God fundamentally as a Giver? What gifts of God have always been a part of our lives such that we might forget they are there or take them for granted? How is our faith affected by seeing Jesus as the one whom "God gave" for the love of the world? And how does it change our perspective on daily life to see all of our existence--and indeed the universe itself--as a gift that didn't have to be this way? Join us for this conversation here on Crazy Faith Talk!
Secrets Revealed! Understand the Book of Revelation from Start to Finish
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Bible Prophecy with the Book of Revelation Research Scientist
Hear the truth about (1) believers who will die during the great tribulation and (2) what will happen to the the full number of believers who are martyred during the great tribulation.These events are recorded and reported in the 7 Seals Prophecy. Listen live @7pm EDT/6pm CST today to PGN's Secrets Revealed! Understand the Book of Revelation from Start to Finish.
Listen via internet: Blogtalkradio.com/LiveProphetic.
Listen via phone. PGN Phone Number: 1-319-527-6027.
Bread of Life with Rev. Ray Presents Rev. Gwendolyn Dixon: Prayers Work!
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Bread of Life with Rev. Ray Presents Rev. Gwendolyn Dixon: Prayers Work! MID-DAY GLORY came about as I felt a strong urge from the Lord to pray for the nation. We know we are living in the last days. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing, continued to penetrate my heart. This world needs constant prayer. I spoke with the founder of When Christian Speak Talk Radio, Rev Ray Rose, about MID-DAY PRAYER. On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, God made it possible for MID-DAY GLORY PRAYER to begin. We give a word from the Lord and pray faithfully every Wednesday for just 20 minutes from 12:00 noon 12:20. Please join us, you will be blessed. Please message us your prayer request
Randy’s Thursday Prophetic
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Randy’s Thursday Prophetic
Offerings & Communion Plus
LIve Video Feed: Front page
Call 319-527-6737 for your personal prophetic word.
Text PGN at 214-505-8719 to let Randy Chandler know you are waiting. Enjoy!
in Christianity
Saturday, December 21, 2024 - The world is is fully of evil.. The enemy tries something new everyday. God is greater than any enemy you can or cannot see. Consider for a thought Ephesian 6:11 "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." There is a war going on but Satan is already defeated. Stay tuned and be blessed!