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Daily Renegade

Daily Renegade


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Daily Renegade is the #1 source for everything Fringe-Christian. Founder Josh Peck has assembled a team of dedicated and brilliant hosts to offer the Christian public surprising truths that will not be discussed in most churches today. Check out http://DailyRenegade.com for full videos, articles, and more!

On-Demand Episodes

Jared speaks with Tom and his guest, the star of the new documentary film "Fire and Brimstone" which exposes a last days cultural movement bringing destruction to humanity in our world today. Make sure to become a Daily... more

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Make sure to become a Daily Renegade Member and have access to full videos, ad-free, at... more

In this live video, Britt and I discuss the actual birth date of Jesus of Nazareth. Was he really born on December 25th? Why was that date chosen? Why is there so much secrecy behind the actual date? What does astronomy teach about... more

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Josh talks about a growing new trend in which kids are being sold demon possessed dolls. Make sure to become a Daily Renegade Member and have access to full videos, ad-free, at... more

Josh discusses links between the occult and peter pan. Does Peter Pan have a deeper more sinister meaning? Make sure to become a Daily Renegade Member and have access to full videos, ad-free, at... more

Jason and Loren discuss some of the most recent trends in culture to explain how the NWO elite are participating in bringing in biblical ed times. Make sure to become a Daily Renegade Member and have access to full videos, ad-free, at... more

Second Civil War: New Data Says America's on the Verge| Peck Report Josh discusses the possibility of Second Civil War, and if this is going to happen in the near future. Will both sides back down? Make sure to become a... more

Seth McVey talks with Darrin Geisinger about coming alien disclosure and its role in Bible prophecy. Make sure to become a Daily Renegade Member and have access to full videos, ad-free, at... more

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