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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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In this podcast, AaDya Security CEO Raffaele Mautone and Chief Product Officer Jason Myers will provide an overview of cyber liability insurance and compliance, and how small and midsize businesses can leverage Judy, the company's... more


About Raffaele Mautone: Raffaele Mautone is the founder and CEO of Detroit-based AaDya Security. His strategic thinking and effective leadership have been instrumental and paramount in his career as an IT, sales and operations... more

About Sean Nobles: Sean Nobles is a tenacious engineering leader who got his start in technology by installing Slackware Linux in 1995. Since that time, Sean has distinguished his 20+ year career in the Service Provider, Military and... more

About Marco Alcala: As the CEO of Alcala Consulting, Marco Alcala specializes in providing Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) services for small to medium-size businesses that want to improve efficiency and profitability with... more

About Anthony Figueroa: Anthony is a CTO who loves world-changing technologies, building relationships, and solving complex problems. I'm passionate about bridging the gap between business + technical strategy. He is the... more

About James Fair: With over 35 years of experience in IT, 30 years in Leadership and a dozen years in the interpersonal workspace, James combines his love for IT and cybersecurity along with his passion for Leadership development.... more

About Marco Alcala: As the CEO of Alcala Consulting, Marco Alcala specializes in providing Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) services for small to medium-size businesses that want to improve efficiency and profitability with... more

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