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Karen Tate

Voices of the Sacred Feminine


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I AM ENOUGH & SO ARE YOU! NEW SHOW FORMAT on VOICES OF THE SACRED FEMININE! Discussing Sex, Power, Religion and Politics with Karen Tate, thought leader, author, speaker and social justice activist. Every Wednesday hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, discussing the bees buzzing round in her bonnet: local, national, global and personal from a Divine Feminine, or Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values to manifest a new and much needed normal. Raise your consciousness and save the world! It hasn't always been this way. And things don't have to stay the same. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Dare to speak it out loud! Rethink, reclaim and embrace wisdom and knowledge denied us far too long. Unlock your tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths and ideas from your home altar to the voting booth, including what denying the feminine face of god, deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity! Karen Tate's 7 published books include her newest, Normalizing Abuse; A Commentary On The Culture of Pervasive Abuse, Sacred Places of Goddess; 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path; Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling; Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine; Conversations to ReShape Our World. That book, along with the anthologies Goddess 2.0. and Awaken the Feminine comprise the famous "manifesting a new normal" trilogy. Visit Karen's website: karentate.net and "like" my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KarenTateAuthor

Upcoming Broadcasts

Maybe it's the darkness and the introspection that comes with the time of year we visited our hometown of New Orleans for the first time in three decades, but I heard that nostalgic trope, "you can't go home again," ringing in my ears almost daily. It made for wise counsel from my Higher Self I'll share with you.
  • by Karen Tate
  • in Culture
  • 00:45

On-Demand Episodes

Hear psychiatrist, Jungian analyst and internationally known author and speaker who draws from spiritual, feminist, Jungian, medical and personal wellsprings of experience to discuss GODDESSES IN EVERYWOMAN TO CROSSING TO... more

Foremother and internationally acclaimed author, Carol Christ, will discuss the work of Marija Gimbutas, the sacred locales of Eleusis, Lesbos and Crete as well as the ancient female poet Sappho.

What is the Future of Women's Spirituality & Awakening from the Dream of Winter: Dimensions of spiritual experience found in Imagination, Dreams, Vision and Fantasy as well Indigenous believe and practices around these... more

Cybele and the continuity of feline iconography. Syncretism of Artemis of Ephesus and Cybele, Mistress of the Animals

Isaac will discuss his 40 years as a priest of the Earth Mother, the Goddess music he's written, his status as a heretic about matriarchies and triple Goddesses and whatever else tickles his fancy.

Wiccan Chaplain for CA Department of Corrections discusses his participation in the Parliament of World Religions, Cherry Hill Seminary, Men who love Goddess and and Goddess for a Sustainable Future.

Scholar, visionary and foremother Riane Eisler will discuss the devaluation/exclusion of women and of values such as caring that are key to the Sacred Feminine from religious as well as other institutions - including politics... more

Foremother Charlene Spretnak will discuss the Virgin Mary as a manifestation of the Sacred Feminine and ways in which the Goddess tradition flows into several of the characteristics in her biblical story. She'll address Mary's... more

Foremother Patricia Monaghan will discuss her book of poetry called Seasons of the Witch and why seasons are an important metaphor for women and for Goddess. We'll discuss her new edition of the Book of Goddesses and Heroines... more

Independent researcher, international feminist, Founder of the Compassionate Society and the Sekhmet Temple (NV)and advocate of the Gift Economy. Author of For-Giving, A Feminist Criticism of Exchange, Homo Donans and Women... more
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