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Karen Tate

Voices of the Sacred Feminine


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I AM ENOUGH & SO ARE YOU! NEW SHOW FORMAT on VOICES OF THE SACRED FEMININE! Discussing Sex, Power, Religion and Politics with Karen Tate, thought leader, author, speaker and social justice activist. Every Wednesday hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, discussing the bees buzzing round in her bonnet: local, national, global and personal from a Divine Feminine, or Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values to manifest a new and much needed normal. Raise your consciousness and save the world! It hasn't always been this way. And things don't have to stay the same. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Dare to speak it out loud! Rethink, reclaim and embrace wisdom and knowledge denied us far too long. Unlock your tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths and ideas from your home altar to the voting booth, including what denying the feminine face of god, deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity! Karen Tate's 7 published books include her newest, Normalizing Abuse; A Commentary On The Culture of Pervasive Abuse, Sacred Places of Goddess; 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path; Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling; Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine; Conversations to ReShape Our World. That book, along with the anthologies Goddess 2.0. and Awaken the Feminine comprise the famous "manifesting a new normal" trilogy. Visit Karen's website: karentate.net and "like" my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KarenTateAuthor

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Maybe it's the darkness and the introspection that comes with the time of year we visited our hometown of New Orleans for the first time in three decades, but I heard that nostalgic trope, "you can't go home again," ringing in my ears almost daily. It made for wise counsel from my Higher Self I'll share with you.
  • by Karen Tate
  • in Culture
  • 00:45

On-Demand Episodes

Jeanne Davis Kimball, scholar, documentary maker, archaeologist, founder of the Center for the Study of Eurasian Nomads, author of WARRIOR WOMEN: An Archaeologists Search for History's Hidden Heroines will discuss her work in the... more

Frank Schaeffer, author of the New York Times bestseller Keeping Faith and, most recently, the memoir Crazy for God has appeared on NPR, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. We'll be discussing his newest book, Patience with God,... more

Vandana Shiva has played a major role in the global Eco-Feminist movement, with an important article Empowering Women, suggesting sustainable agriculture around engaging women and advocates against the patriarchal logic of... more

At the top of the hour enjoy Suzane Vaughn, The Communication Queen discussing how we can bridge the gap between human and animal communication. At the bottom of the hour, Linda Savage, sexuality educator and... more

Joyce Chapman, the inspiration and life coach who inspired me to submit my Oprah Audition tape returns to the show. Joyce is a dreamer, coach, teacher, speaker and author of Live Your Dream: Discover & Achieve Your Life... more

Donna Woolfolk Cross, author of Pope Joan discusses her book by the same name, about the brilliant woman born at the wrong time in history, who lived her life as a man in order to receive an education and who eventually... more

Overarching theme tonight is "Meeting Goddess Half Way - Living a Divinely Guided Life" At the top of the hour, Reverend Loreon Vigne, foundress of the Temple of Isis at Isis Oasis Sanctuary, author of The Goddess Bade Me Do It... more

Francesca Gentille, returns by popular demand to discuss the relationship between God, Goddess and Sex. Outrageously effervescent media personality and "Dive of Divine Relationships" Francesca has spent the past 10 years at... more

At the top of the hour tune in to my interview with producer, Jo Carson, creator of the new documentary film, "Dancing With Gaia: Connecting to Earth Energy, Sacred Sexuality and the Goddess as Gaia" as she discusses her film,... more

At the top of the hour, contemporary shaman, Jon Rasmussen, will discuss prophecies which speak to the fall of the Masculine Warrior dominance culture and a return to a healthy, sustainable and peaceful culture of the Powerful... more
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