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Remnant Call

Remnant Call


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Calling God's remnant to a deeper walk with Jesus. Time is short and God's people need to prepare for the days ahead. The Remnant Call seeks to strengthen the body of believers/

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The King is Coming and we are in the Midst of Holy War. We are going to be starting a Daniel fast and wanting to hear what the Lord is saying we should do. What is contained in this show is absolutely for right now! Prepare folks The... more

This is a don't miss episode. PLEASE PLEASE listen to the end. Warning some things may not be appropriate for Children.

This week was an eye opener of whats coming. I got to experience it first hand! Folks this is a urgent message!!!

Tune in tonight as Benjamin Shares how the Lord shared with him years ago about His Seven year ministry. Ill give you a clue it's only half over.

The war is on. They are coming for those who will not comply. Will you stand? Can you stand? God has a plan and this war is now!

Things are escalating at an incredible pace. We are faced with an absolute crisis in the American Church. We have lost the Fear of God and are rendering the things of God unto Caesar. Wake up while we have time.

Join me as we look at this Ancient Path God has ordained to navigate us through the time of trouble that is coming.

Join us as Brother Benjamin Gets into Ezekiel, current events, and the rebellious house.

Join us as Brother Benjamin shares whats going on and the lateness of the Hour. Also an update from the Johnson's in Panama. Don't Miss this episode!!!

Jamie Walden Joins us about the dangers of the Enemies of America pose and the timeline of attack. This all ties in with the Holy War God is waging at the End of Time!

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