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Remnant Call

Remnant Call


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Calling God's remnant to a deeper walk with Jesus. Time is short and God's people need to prepare for the days ahead. The Remnant Call seeks to strengthen the body of believers/

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Folks this is an end time message about the Paganism and occult influence going on today and how we must and can get free from this stuff. Join us as Dr. Lake shares on this topic, it's origins, and the dangers we face.

Join us as Brother Benjamin shares some insight into this hour, and God's calling to us for this hour!

The deceivers are here! More are coming and we better wake up. The only truth left is in the Word of God! WAKE UP before it's to late!

Join in as I share an important message for this hour and powerful words from brother David Wilkerson you don't want to miss!!!

Join us as Brother David Murry delivers a powerful end times message on walking in the Power of the Resurrection!!!

Join us for a powerful message from Psalm 110 that will stir you and prepare you for these last days!!!

Their is strange Fire in the Church and the world. This is a warning to all who listen! Don't be like Nadab and Abihu!

Taken right out of the Bible Benjamin talks about the prophecies of the end times and a current warning of what is happening right now!!!

Tonight I am going to share a rarely ever talked about dream of Dumitru Duduman's. This is a must for all of us as we are seeking our Heavenly Father's will.

Join us as Brother Jamie Walden talks about Knowing what to do in this hour. Must listen program!

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