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SPEAKER: Pastor Ronnie Davis Our speaker's topic to undergird our theme: How to Overcome Grief is: ?GOD'S TRUTH HELPS DEAL WITH DEATH AND GRIEF ? ?God's Truth Helps Deal With Death and Grief? in a meaningful... more

SPEAKER: Min. J. Michael Holcombe INTERCESSOR: SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:13-27 If the enemy wants to play rough, let's play rough. I realize God allowed it to happen; all a part of learning to let go and let HIM have... more

SPEAKER: Elder Diana Dungy INTERCESSOR: Scripture: Grief is personal and individual, and every person experiences its nuances differently. Your personality, your support system, your natural coping mechanisms and many other... more

SPEAKER: Prophetess Lorrae Hutchinson aka 'Thunder. INTERCESSOR: Evangelist Sharon Austin FOUNDATIONAL SCRIPTURE: Welcome to another empowering episode of the Faith Is No Accident Blogtalk Radio Broadcast!... more

SPEAKER: Pastor Lonnie Reed INTERCESSOR: Adorable Drea Taylor Foundational Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 (CEV) Making wise decisions sometimes causes you to get out of the familiar with the decision you make in your comfort... more

SPEAKER: Dynamic Denise Davis Consider the choices you made today. How many were the result of thoughtful analysis, where you carefully weighed your options, considered their impact on others, and set aside personal biases? And... more

SPEAKER: Elder Diana Dungy TOPIC: SURRENDER LEAVES NO ROOM FOR YOUR OWN ANXIETY OR WORRY Foundational Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) – "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own... more

Recorded Message by Pastor Keion Henderson TOPIC: HOW TO HEAL SCRIPTURE: Psalms 34:18 Join us as Pastor Keion explains that everyone has their moments of weakness and struggles, even individuals who appear strong... more

Speaker: Min. Pat Lee Topic: None but the righteousness Shall See God Scriptures: Psalm 84:11, Mark 1:15, Mark 6:12, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 147:3, Eze 18:21 Introduction: As we explore these scriptures and their implications for our... more

SPEAKER: Prophetess Casondria Echols INTERCESSOR: Evangelist Sharon Austin SCRIPTURE: Psalms 18 Ask Yahweh To Heal Our Families (Christian Family) And Create A Bond. What would come before end of 2024? Students... more

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