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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be having a roundtable discussion with the authors of the new book "The Final Babylon - America and the Coming of the Final Antichrist." The three authors and... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be going through a five part teaching. The subjects that will be covered tonight involve biblical revelation on the last days. The information will be highly controversial! Listen... more

Welcome to Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. This week will be very exciting as we will be having two guests. First we will be bringing up a number of HOT topics pertaining to current events. To enlighten us on the issues of China,... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be having a unique program. As some of you know, I traveled to Rwanda during the month of June and spent some time there as a missionary. During this program I will be... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are back on the air live! We will be joined this week by our good friend Dr. Preston Bailey to discuss an array of issues touching on the Illuminati. We will also be discussing project blue... more

Welcome to Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. As I am still out of the country this show will feature back to back related teachings. This teaching will deal with the question of what it really means to engage in spiritual maturation. This... more

As I am overseas this show will be a re-airing of a great interview I had with Rob Skiba on his program The Revolutionary Radio Project. The program was originally title Sheep Nations Walking in the Power of the Kingdom. This was an... more

Welcome to Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. Since I will be doing mission work overseas for the rest of the month the programs will be pre-recorded. The first half of this program will consist of an interview I did with Barry Meyer... more

This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval we will be diving into some of the hidden history regarding the Nazis, mind control, and the infamous Dr. Mengele. Not only will we be getting into these issues, but we will venture even... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be joined by author and researcher Doug Hamp. His website can be found at www.douglashamp.com. He graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. in the... more

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