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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be moving further beyond the veil of Kundalini Yoga as we are joined again by special guest Mike Shreve. During our first interview with Mr. Shreve we had an incredibly exciting... more

This is the series you've been waiting for. This is the official series that will disclose what Mind Control is, what it means, and what can be done about it. The subject of DID and Mind Control is highly taboo yet coming to the surface in... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be delving into a subject that is one of the most undiscussed subjects there is. This is the subject of water spirits and underwater cities. Sound strange? There is no question... more

This is the series you've been waiting for. This is the official series that will disclose what Mind Control is, what it means, and what can be done about it. The subject of DID and Mind Control is highly taboo yet coming to the surface in... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be having an exciting discussion with Rick Madison. His website can be found at www.rickmadison.com. He is the author of the book Raised from the Dead. He has an incredible... more

This is the program you've been waiting for. This will be the beginning of a series that will disclose what Mind Control is, what it means, and what can be done about it. The subject of DID and Mind Control is highly taboo yet coming to the... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be discussing the blood of Jesus. Why is blood something important from a Christian perspective? Couldn't God pick something less messy? What kind of benefits does the blood... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be addressing kundalini yoga. What is it? What does it allow people to do? Why is it dangerous? To enlighten and expound upon this subject we will be joined by Mike Shreve.... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be spending time deciphering just what is going on behind the scenes in the middle east. We will be going over recent headlines on Syria and some of the questions that have been... more

This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be joined by missionary, teacher and forerunner Augusto Perez. Augusto was born in Cuba in 1951, and lived there for 12 years. He came to the U.S. in 1963 with his family... more

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