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A real crustal polar shift is dead ahead, and it will destroy our current civilization. Inuit Elders have reported a major Earth wobble. The Hopi predict a fouth would catastrophy, Prophecies from around the world say the Earth will topple over,... more

This Borderlands program from long ago is now all being fulfilled - we go back to the days of President Geroge Bush and his demands for Israel and Jerusalem to be divided and a two state solution be imposed. As the world gathers against... more

An open discussion concerning some odd remarks by a U.S. Army General concerning "little green men" and Hybrid armies that young recruits might face in the near future, along with the revelation of the aliens via disclosure. Native... more

Tonights discussion will center upon some odd Bible Codes indicating the U.S. Military is well aware and is in league with so called "extraterrestrials" and that indeed a treaty was made by the elite which is now being breached, and how... more

A conversation with Stewart Best and Larry Taylor to discuss Barry Roffman's work on General Milley's comments concerning little green man and hybrids, the Arrival and how it relates to the Bluebeam Project, and how all of that slides over... more

Barry Roffman, a Bible Cide expert will be discussing a most odd comment of a US Army general about little green men and hibreds, and how this may tie directly to the Roswell UFO Incident, ET and Earth vistations by entities... more

We are excited and honored to have Dan Gordon, well known author of a number of books and screenwriter for Hollywood movies, joins Larry Taylor and Stewart Best for a 2 hour show discussing Dan's latest release, "Day of the Dead, Book... more

An evening with scientist Stan Deyo and guest Larry Taylor to discuss the recent uptick in major earthquake and volcanic activity, the apparent expanding Earth, and any warnings Stan might have for the Gulf, West and East coasts... more

A free wheeling conversation by Stewart, Larry and Augusto with commentary about the latest news and information concernig world events, paranormal sightings, UFO's, the arrival, and black operations by world governments.... more

Documentary producer Richard Shaw, producer of the WATCHER SERIES, will be on the show with Larry Taylor as we discuss all the latest news and information concerning the Bible Codes, the Return of Messiah, Rise of... more

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