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Hidden Secrets - The Coming Polar Shift - Art Bell Interviews Stewart Best

  • Broadcast in Paranormal
Night Shadows

Night Shadows


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A real crustal polar shift is dead ahead, and it will destroy our current civilization. Inuit Elders have reported a major Earth wobble. The Hopi predict a fouth would catastrophy, Prophecies from around the world say the Earth will topple over, the seas will leave their beds washing over entire continents, winds in excess of 800 miles per hour, an in ONE DAY the world we know is gone. Is it possible? The signs for this impending shift have been here for well over a decade, and are gaining strength. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, sibnk holes, rifts, odd weather, magentic pole cahnges are all warning signs of this upcoming catastropy. Science, steeped in slow changes does not realize and refuses to face what the ancients all told us was coming. Some scientists, like Stan Deyo and others know what is coming, and warn as best they can. There is only one escape route, and the vast majority of people are refusing it.

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