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As we close down 2017 and look back, we find prophetic fulfillment and a move to Daniel's 70th Week and the Lord going back to Israel for the time of Jacob's Trouble. In the meantime, the Deep State appears to be going for broke in their... more

Richard, Larry & Stewart on a round table discussion of the alien question, UFO's, Israel, Bible Codes and the DNA of Christ, Israel Trouble, The United Nations, North Korea, and Iran, The Crown Prince of Saudi-Arabia, Earth Changes, and... more

2017 has been a year of major events all pointing to Daniel's 70th week and the Messianic era beginning. Trump's approval of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will lead to the Temple, be it a major construction or David's Tabernacle,... more

As we go through the latter part of December we are going to see many things begin to change, and the war drums will change into a hot war, but we cannot yet know exactly where it will start. The revelations of the total corruption of... more

Wikileaks reveals Obama Deep State coup against Trump, Kim to launch new ICBM possibly on this weekend, war drums beating much louder, Iran violating UN nuke deal, but is the proof real or manufactured to justify another invasion much... more

Even if people do not realize it, the world is on the brink of war, while the signs of the Return of Christ are everywhere and mounting. Jesus told us that it would come as a SNARE, suddenly, with no warning whatever, and everything would... more

The Middle East is in turmoil ad riots break out because of Trump recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, something Lord has known all along - but it does show how Israel is hated by the world, as world leaders condemn Trumps... more

With Trumps approval of moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and naming Jerusalem as capital of Israel, the Arab/Moslem world will respond with fury. But what it means in its relationship to the Christians and the removal of the... more

Stan Deyo will join Stewart and Larry to discuss the rapid increase in earth changes in almost all areas, including climate change, erratic and turbulent weather, world-wide flooding, increasing volcanic activity, earthquakes, rifts, sink... more

It seems that two major triads are forming for the final WAR of all wars. We have America, Saudi Arabia and Israel on one side, and Russia, Turkey and Iran on the other, will the possibility that North Korea will be the ignition point as Kim baits... more

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