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Our world is changing so fast it is hard to keep up with all of it - Trump floating balloons for leaving Syria, Salmon says Assad staying, Turkey invading Syria, Putin threats may have avoided WW3 for a bit, Kimmy the Wiz Kid is very busy... more

The Time Tunnel we are in has both an AGENDA and an OMEGA POINT. It appears that we are rapidly closing in on the OMEGA POINT for the church age, and that the "times of the gentiles will soon be over and the door to salvation... more

It is an odd thing to have a country as large as China, and a super power at that, to summon the leader of North Korea to visit Xi and then have an announcement that Kimmy is willing to give up his missiles and nukes - perhaps because... more

As things move ever forward into the time of Jacob's Trouble, the world's nations are getting more and more angry, and the rabid anger against Israel was on display by the United Nations as it continues its resolutions to deprive Israel of... more

The war hawks are now surrounding Trump and they want MAJOR CONFLICT. As to how it will start is anyone's guess, but it appears we are now getting very close to either major war or, in the alternative, some sort of peace... more

This is a show you don't want to miss in a round table discussion concerning the nature of time and space, time travel, dimensions, star gates, portals, doorways and how all of this may relate to very advanced technology, anti-gravity and... more

Putin and his military generals issue a second warning to America NOT TO BOMB Damascus, naming that city directly as spoken of Isaiah 17. The United States and England appear to be amassing both troops and ships for an attack... more

The Omega point of this world is rapidly approaching, but the masses of the world appear to be in a nearly comatose state, unable to recognize even the most blatant of signs. Barry Roffman's work on the Bible codes concerning time and... more

Do not miss tonight's show with Barry Roffman as he unlocks what the Torah Codes have revealed to us concerning the nature of time and space, time travel, are the past, present and future always present, and if so, can man... more

The peace overtures from Kim will give him more time to finish his nuclear weapons research, but it is possible that the world suddenly sees a move that appears for all the world to be "peace, peace, when there is no peace." We... more

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