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TurfNet personalities Frank Rossi, Dave Wilber, Randy Wilson, John Reitman, Jon Kiger and Peter McCormick interview a variety of turfies on a multitude of subjects... or just pontificate upon occasion.

On-Demand Episodes

In this episode of the TurfNet Renovation Report -- presented by Golf Preservations and Jacobsen -- host Jon Kiger talks with David Dore-Smith about the ongoing renovation started in April of this year at Copperleaf Golf... more

In this episode, we are Speaking Frankly again with Dr. Micah Woods, Chief Scientist at the Asian Turfgrass Center in Bangkok, Thailand, on increasing the precision of nutrient management programs and understanding the value of light... more

In this episode, I speak frankly with Steve McDonald, owner/operator of Turfgrass Disease Solutions, Spring City, PA. Listen to lively bante about turf conditions this spring in the Mid-Atlantic, annual bluegrass weevil on bentgrass, disease... more

Frankly speaking this week with Dr. Norm Hummel, owner of Hummel and Co. Turfgrass and Soil Consulting, about the keys to firm putting surfaces, topdressing with fine sand over coarse sand, and how to select a soil testing lab.... more

With Earth Day 2015 behind us, we are Speaking Frankly with Mike Huck of Irrigation and Turfgrass Services of California about the latest on efficient water management, the situaion CA golf courses are facing, and how water use will... more

In this first of fifteen planned segments this year, host Jon Kiger chats with Kevin Hicks about the recent bunker renovation and "emergency" regrassing of seven greens (just last week, due to winter damage) at the Coeur d'Alene Resort in... more

In this episode, Frank Speaks with Dave Oatis, USGA Director of the Northeast Region of the Green Section about Winter Injury in the Northeast, waking the course up in the Spring, and Dave's favorite topic: Golf Tree Management... more

In this episode Frank speaks with Anthony L. Williams, CGCS, CGM, Director of Grounds for Stone Mountain Golf Club and the Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Anthony is also the author of The... more

In this episode of Frankly Speaking we are following up with Dr. Micah Woods of the Asian Turfgrass Center on the MLSN concept and new discussion about using growth potential as a means of scheduling nutrient management additions. An... more

In this episode Frank speaks with Dr. Micah Woods, Chief Scientist of the Asian Turfgrass Center, "direct" from Bangkok, Thailand. Woods is the co-author of the Global Soil Survey (GSS) that informs the Minimum Level of Sustainable... more

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