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TheDavid Bowers

The David Bowers Awards


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It's all about the music ... and the people who make it. Giving one more stage for indie creatives to present their music and talents. It's all about the music ... and the artists who make it. Listen to the best indie music in the world and we talk with the artists!

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Join me and my co-host Jon BonJovial when our guests include The David Martinez Band LIVE from SXSW in Austin Texas, emerging talent Maggie Thorn Debuting her new EP 'Gravel Road' ... and Nine North Records President Larry... more

Online Radio about the Music & the people who make it! Established stars of the Music World and the Aspiring Artists & Indies. Since America is obsessed with 'awards' we make EVERY show an awards show ... and YOU can be a part of... more
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