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Street Love Begins with You

Street Love Begins with You


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Share a 15 minute power message where we will explore Life's Daily Challenges and how we can apply Street Love to each of them

On-Demand Episodes

God says vengeance is mine. God knew evil would come to us all and he shares how to respond so we will receive a blessing in the midst of the evil. Let Sister Shelli share Don't Return Evil for Evil in her 15 minute pick me up power... more

Have you been believing for something for so long that not only has the time passed for it to happen, but you've given up, that it ever will? Let Sister Shelli share in 15 minutes It's Not Time to Give Up!

Today I'm led to share the importance of focusing not on what u can't do or what u don't have, but to focus on who and what is important! Let Sister Shelli share in 15 minutes - Where's Ur Focus?

What we watch and observe in our daily lives will give us the praying points we need to know what to pray about. Let Sister Shelli share how to effectively (Watch and Pray) in her 15 minute power message.

Jesus submitted to the power of darkness for 3 days to give (they) forgiveness to the world. Let Sister Shelli share her 15 minute message 3 DAYS GAVE FORGIVENESS FOR ALL.

Whatever ups and downs ur battling, it's not urs to battle. Let Sister Shelli share The Battle is Not Urs in her 15 minute power message.

Let Sister Shelli share her 15 minute power message -Who Can I Run To when the world we know is no longer the world we want to know.

Let Sister Shelli share how to distinguish between Fake News vs the Good News in her 15 minute power message.

Let go of the 5 year Plan way of thinking and let Sister Shelli share how to Choose the God Approved Plan he has for each of us!

Let go of the 5 Year Plan way of thinking and let Sister Shelli share how to Choose the God Approved Plan he has for each of us!

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