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Stargate Earth

Stargate Earth


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Earth, Her Qeendoms, Stargate Activation Awareness, Vibrational Energy, Ancient Civilizations and Spirituality. Bringing the dimensions of time home to share with others of like mind.

On-Demand Episodes

The Lyra-Atlantis Connection brings forth the vibration of Peace for the 8:8:8 Stargate 2024. You may wish to stop the broadcast to work the viewing of the heart space. Do you like this broadcast? Then, please buy Patricia a Chai for a... more

RIPENING INTO FULLNESS & BECKONING IN THE LIGHT The Lyra-Atlantis Connection brings both a Northern and Southern Hemisphere channel for planet Earth! This is a three-month outlook for the months of: June, July, and... more

STARTING FRESH! As the Vernal Equinox arrives, Planet Earth and Her Inhabitants are STARTING FRESH with their lives and energies. Do you like this broadcast? Then, please buy Patricia a Chai for a generous donation of $3.00... more

Enjoy the 12:21:23 Winter Solstice Activation (Summer Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere) broadcast! Do you like this new broadcast? Then, please buy Patricia a Chai for a generous donation of $3.00 to help support the continuation... more

New Star Codes arriving with a new Upgrade in Frequency Dynamics. Listen as the Lyra-Atlantis Connection presents a full feature channel consisting of: Enertides -Current Energy of the Month Star Portal-Stepping into the Stargate... more

WE ARE BACK!!!!!! and good to go with blog talk radio for a full year! The video link for this broadcast is https://youtu.be/zKIlR0yrhDc. Please enjoy this audio version. Lyra & Atlantis Connection and your hostess and channel Patricia... more

Lyra & Atlantis Connection and your hostess and channel Patricia Vialpando brings you the quarterly synergetic broadcast of a new Era! New YouTube link will be provided within the week with this months channel. In the meantime... more

Lyra, Atlantis & Pleiades Connection and your hostess and channel Patricia Vialpando brings you the monthly activation. A bit of a hint, we are begining with a new stargate with of love, light and purification. Stay tuned! Like this new... more

***New Time 2:00 pm MDT/MST***A little Deja Brew goes a long way! Take a break from life and allow the Lyra, Atlantis & Pleiades Connection to brighten your day! Like this new broadcast? Then, please buy Patricia a Chai for a generous... more

Lyra, Atlantis & Pleiades Connection and your hostess and channel Patricia Vialpando brings you a new and joyous 2023 seeding! Stay tuned! Like this new broadcast? Then, please buy Patricia a Chai for a generous donation of $3.00... more

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