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From music to movies to TV and more, this was a hard year. So listen as we wrap it up.

Golden globes and good bye junjo.

Join us as we go back to the first Kung Fu hit in the USA!

join us as we talk about the beast and least of 2028 and the ahole of the year award!

Well time to grow older as the last big indy company from the dtv scene goes under so joinus as we talk about the good old days

This is our contractually obligated Christmas special so join us for the fun. Larfs memories, and surprises abound!

Join us as we head back to Italy to talk about Sergio simonella and his classic spaghetti the big gundown

Robert Plotnik, ‘Bleecker Bob’ of Record-Store Fame, Dies at 75. That might not mean much to non New Yorkers, but it was a institution that was a record collectors paradise. So in his honor me and Karl Jackass Kaefer do this show.

How do I Introduce my guest well it would be easier to list which he didn't work for than what he did. So join us as we talk about his years as a actor.

It's that time of the year when you are smothered with corporate ads. So us here at ksdad radio thought well let's let the small guys get a chance to make money. With will allman local Knoxville film makers and a interview with Jenn wexler... more

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