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Join me and Jessica Noonan as we talk the final in the Living Jason series. Great actors great Gore and a smart dog.

We have greasy beans a hard ass loaf of bread and a nondescript bottle of whiskey. Do join us as we celebrate Mike's first book, a tone on spaghetti westerns!

Ok as usual it's Friday the 13th so it's a double shudder creature show! Join me and Fred the butcher gory as we talk about new lines first Jason movie

From her many short films producing and other jobs we talk to the amazing JILL GEVARGIZIAN about shorts and her Kickstarter so tune in!

join me and marty as he talks about his life. i consier this a musten kisten so give it a try

It has been 4 years since the first episode and I will always remember every one of them so much love to Vicki love and this is our celebration of her.

Join us as we wrap up summer with grindhouse universe a trailer comp so a lot of movies in small amount of time.

Dudley Moore as a romantic lead heartbeeps Conan and more or less your choice?

one year and ten festivals ago 4 partners seen that knoxville had a void amd they filled it. so on this the month of there first aniversery we celebrate it in the cultside way! so listen and come to central and the khf!

400 topics have came 400 topics have died! Join me the master of frejoles style and Mike the man with the gunshot eyes hauss as we take on the crippled avengers!

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