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Ralph Poynter: What's Happening – BlogTalkRadio- Tuesday 13, November 2018--
Call in 1-347-857-3293- 9-10pm est
A Lynne Stewart-ism, “American elections are always hyped as meaningful. How is it that the American public is interested in Russian alleged interference in the American electoral process but they have no interest or concern when America does the same?
? 1. NEWS ANALYSIS: An anatomy of oppression requires an anatomy of colonialism/imperialism i.e. An anatomy of the American Capitalist System: Ralph Poynter, Larry Pinkney, Tom Siracuse, Joel Meyers, Bro. Tarik, Nat Turner,
2. Excerpts from Black Activist Writers Guild- Larry Pinkney (former Pol. Pris.& Black Panther)??
3. Updates from the Political Prisoner Death Camps- Anne Lamb (NYC Jericho)
4. Liberation Poetry - Nat Turner – (in remembrance of Sister Lynne)
Veteran Black Panther Party Member & 16 Year Long Held Political Prisoner Kamau Sadiki Is Under Serious Attack By The Prison Medical Staff. Please Read Below, Share And Call The Prison Warden & Chief Medical Facilitator ASAP! (706) 855-4700