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The Great Divide


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What is the Great Divide? From the beginning of creation and the fall of Man a great divide has kept Mankind from returning to fellowship with his creator. Join us as we look at the great divide and the way God has made to return Mankind back to himself

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on April 8th the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. at least for some. What is the April 8th eclips really about? is it described in the Scriptures or is this something else completely. is it a Sign of the return of JESUS? we... more

If the thrue Eklesiah of God is called to truth, called to prurity in Jesus. a Clear assesment of the Visible church is needed. Tonight we will look at the vast difference between Gods true kingdom and the Counterfiet "Parallel kingdom" of... more

When the darkness become so thick and so difficult to navigate. and when there seems to be no way. we can come boldly before the trown of Grace to obtain mercy in time of need we will also be taking calls live and discusing... more

Discerning Satans influence in the lives of beliver.Discovering the wiles of the devil and the enemies true power . Discovering the believers power over the enemy. Exposing the weekness of the enemy , and waging war against all the... more

Many "Christians" have never been instructed in how to build on the foundation of Faith. Thats foundation being Jesus himself. Come along as we dig deep into the word of God. And learn to build on the foundation that Jesus laid for us.

Many Have taught an incomplete understanding of Gods Salvation. tonight we will look at a more complete understanding of Savation from the scriptures
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