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Yashua the Reformer

Gospel of Yashua


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The Reformer teaching on "Your Words & Thoughts Equals Your Reality"... how our conditions and circumstances is the product of our thoughts. Either it's time to change our minds & excel high or Dont our minds & stay low, headed towards... more

You will Never WIN, UNTIL You see Divinity in Black Skin!

The Reformer teaching on "How We Lost Knowledge of Self & Culture" 🙌

The Reformer teaching on "Black America:Why GOD Can't Use YOU?"

The Reformer teaching on "This is Love!" (The Universal message of Light & Love that G-D has revealed, if you only will open your eyes to see, and your ears to hear.)

The Reformer teaching on "the Power of a Fresh Start"

The Reformer defines Atonement, and how we must make Atonement for personal sins & wrongdoings, to help balance justice and harmony on the earth.

The Reformer teaching on, "He shall save his people from their sins"

the Reformer teaching on "Judgement begins 1st @the house of God"

Yashua speaks to Race Hustlers & Soldiers:Your Race Means NOTHING to G-D!
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