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There comes a time when there will be an a worldwide push for centralized control of everything. Every aspect of life regulated controlled by an elite class. To get there, takes slow steps setting up strongholds in the human mind so it willingly gives up all its freedoms. The Book of Revelation speaks of such a time. Soon the How Longs of humanity and angels will be answered… Find out more today on the Christian Marauder! To see the full version of every available episode, visit today and check out our membership plans! Learn about Bryan Melvin's near death experience in Hell, what he saw, and what he learned as a warning for the rest of us in his book, A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion, available right here: All Bible Quotes from the NKJV Pictures from Pixabay and Pinterest Content Protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act For research, education, criticism purposes If you like to help support me and keep me on the air, see my website for details Email - Pay Pal - thru either my website or: To help with the increasing medical costs for Nathan Peck (Josh and Christina's 7 year old son) and his battle with cancer, please donate at