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Are You Being DUPED? Defending Against Great Apostasy | JPDWeekly Ep. 9

  • Broadcast in Christianity
Daily Renegade

Daily Renegade


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Is your favorite pastor a false prophet or teacher? How would you know? With so many deceived, can you be sure you're not accidentally involved in the great "falling away" apostasy? There are a few things all of these false teachers have in common. 2 Peter tells us exactly how to identify these wolves in sheep's clothing and it's one major thing we often overlook! To see the full version of every available episode, visit http://DailyRenegade.com today and check out our membership plans! To help with the increasing medical costs for Nathan Peck (Josh and Christina's 6 year old son) and his battle with cancer, please visit http://dailyrenegade.com/donate

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