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TSR 156: Man Gets Out Of NEW AGE DECEPTION! - Mike Shreve

  • Broadcast in Christianity
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Man gets out of the  NEW AGE deception! Mike Shreve was raised a Roman Catholic in a military family, but in his teen years drifted away from religion altogether. A near death experience during his freshman year in college caused him to turn his heart toward the pursuit of God. That year, in an effort to find the truth, he began studying under an Indian guru. Eventually, he became a teacher of Kundalini Yoga and meditation techniques at five Florida universities. He also formed and directed a yoga ashram in Tampa, Florida. Thank God his eyes were opened to the power of the cross and the uniqueness of Jesus when he was born again in the fall of 1970. His testimony is a powerful outreach to those who are seeking God and the Truth through Far Eastern religions.

Join Jake Ruchotzke, Josh Peck, and more at the Hear the Watchmen conference in March-April 2017! Order your tickets today, they are selling out fast! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hear-the-watchmen-dallas-2017-tickets-28431318840?aff=JoshPeck&afu=195022840190 

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End the Beginning by Mark DeWayne Combs - http://amzn.to/1NHiXjE
Green Gospel: The New World Religion by Sheila Zilinsky - http://amzn.to/1NHiYE4

Find more from Jake Ruchotzke at http://www.seek4truth.org

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