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MARK FLYNN on CHERUBIM UFOs and the EDH: Higher Dimensions, Ancient Aliens, and

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Daily Renegade

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http://sharpeningreport.com PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! What are UFOs? Are they from other planets, higher dimensions, secret government projects, or all three? What are the feelings of Mark Flynn, author of Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth, concerning UFOs? Can ancient texts provide us with information in regards to alien beings? What does this mean for all of us? All these questions and more are answered in this important video message by Josh Peck, author of Cherubim Chariots and well as Abaddon Ascending with Tom Horn. 

Join Josh Peck in Dallas, TX at the Hear the Watchmen Prophecy conference, March 31st- April 2nd! Get your tickets today, they are selling out fast! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hear-the-watchmen-dallas-2017-tickets-28431318840?aff=JoshPeck&afu=195022840190 

The information presented in this video comes from Cherubim Chariots by Josh Peck. Order your copy today, along with Quantum Creation, The Coming Technocalypse, and Into the Multiverse Vol. 1 at a special package price at http://www.skywatchtvstore.com/JoshPeckCollection-p/jp-c.htm 

Recommended by Josh Peck:
New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson - http://amzn.to/1NHiMF0
Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth: The Awakened Ones, the Hidden Destiny of America, and the Day after Tomorrow by Mark Flynn - http://amzn.to/1WcVo3Z
The David Flynn Collection - http://amzn.to/1LvSd4x
Angel Wars by Steve Quayle - http://amzn.to/1N1uziE
End the Beginning by Mark DeWayne Combs - http://amzn.to/1NHiXjE
The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind by Gary Wayne - http://amzn.to/1NHj1jd
True Legends by Steve Quayle - http://amzn.to/1OQ0J2a
Inhuman: The Next and Final Phase of Man is Here by Tom Horn and James J. Hughes - http://amzn.to/1mbsVRp

Josh Peck's "Cherubim Chariots" Videobook: Part 1

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