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BEYOND the QUANTUM CONSTRUCTS of GOD: YHWH's Plurality and Man's Duality

  • Broadcast in Christianity
Daily Renegade

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http://sharpeningreport.com PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! If God created all reality, even down to the quantum level, what lies beyond His creation? Where is man's place in the cosmos? Are we in Heaven already? Does YHWH embed clues and codes into His creation? What can we learn about our beyond-quantum state from ancient texts? All this and more in this very important video from quantum physics researcher and author of Quantum Creation, Josh Peck.

The information presented in this video comes from Quantum Creation by Josh Peck. Order your copy today included with Cherubim Chariots by Josh Peck at http://www.skywatchtvstore.com/Cherubim-Quantium-p/jp-ccqcso.htm 

Check out more by Josh Peck at http://sharpeningreport.com

Josh Peck's "Quantum Creation" Videobook: Part 10

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