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VISUALIZING the FOURTH DIMENSION: Flatland, Projections, and Unfolding

  • Broadcast in Christianity
Daily Renegade

Daily Renegade


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PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! Have you ever wondered what the fourth dimension looks like? Not only time, but what about a fourth dimension of space? Is it possible for us to understand? Can a lower-dimensional view help make sense of a higher dimension? What exactly is a dimension and what does it mean when we're told the fourth dimension is all around us? Do ancient texts talk about the fourth dimension? Do extra dimensions have any spiritual significance? What do you think? Leave a comment below!

The information presented in this video comes from Quantum Creation by Josh Peck. Order your copy today included with Cherubim Chariots by Josh Peck at http://www.skywatchtvstore.com/Cherubim-Quantium-p/jp-ccqcso.htm 

Check out more by Josh Peck at http://sharpeningreport.com

Josh Peck's "Quantum Creation" Videobook: Part 3

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